Chapter 20

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Chapter 20


"Hey Ari" Nancy extends her hands with a sad smile. I come out from the dining and hug her tight sobbing to tears. "I am sorry about the news. I heard it a little late." She tells me patting my back.  I pull her to the dining hall where Allen was seated. "Allen, this is Nancy Martin my good old friend from school."

"Glad to meet you Ms Martin." I heard so many good things about you and now that you have come I am confident I have much less to worry about Ari." Allen extends his hands for Nancy with a smile. "Come let us have lunch together." I bring a plate for Nancy and serve her minced meat with onions and roasted potatoes along with us.

The lunch went comparatively better than the previous days with Nancy appraising me with all the latest facts about her family and her new profession as a stage actress. "Spend some time with me Ari." Nancy requested forking some roasted potatoes into her plate. I shared a look with Allen in question and he stiffened. Apparently I knew what his reply was going to be.

After lunch we chatted for some more time while Allen went out with a plough and a sprinkler to garden the plants, his one of the most favorite past time hobby. "Allen please let me go with Nancy.." I request my husband circling my hand around his neck. He exhales a sigh peering out of the window and then looks back at me. "Ari, my birth father was an abuser and a drunkard. He did nothing good to us as his kids and beat my mother whenever he was out of control on his drinks. Harris entered my life like a real Angel.  He lived the true meaning of a father in my life and since his advent, I never looked back. I chose the profession that I dreamt and became a successful man not only in my career but now in my family too. There is a smile in my existance only because of him." He nibbles my cheek in adoration. "If you have lost your father, I have lost mine too. Don't you think your presence besides is essential to me just like mine does to you?"

I gaze into my husband with wetness in my eyes. "I understand you Allen but it is just a matter of two days. I need a change of place to get out of this depressive feeling. Please understand." I hug him with my head adjusted to the curve of his neck. He runs his hands softly along the length of my hair. "Okay then, just two days." His voice goes more hoarsely with each passing word. "On the third day morning before going to hospital if I don't see you, I am going to abort my work and go to Nancy's place to fetch you. Is that a deal?" I nod to him with extension of my lips. "You better stick to your word otherwise many patients are going to die waiting for me in the hospital." He murmurs running his hand through his hair looking heavenward and then pins me back in his forest green pools.

"Now give me a kiss." he taps his lips holding my face with his other hand. I narrow my eyes at him in uncertainty. "Well, you are leaving me for two days during this gloomy period, how do you think I could survive?"

"You are unbelievable Dr Allen Rodriguez, you are acting like a child." I scorn at him. He taps his head acting melodramatic. "Is it?" I bend his head down to my lips and give him a peck. "Was that a kiss?" He scouts around my face. "Just like I explained you how to have sex," my cheeks go red in embarassment as I hit him on his chest. "I will teach you how to give a parting kiss to your husband." He places his hand on the back of my neck and pulls me roughly towards him. My chest collides with his and he inhales a heavy breath.

"It's been so long Ari, I need you right now." Allen's voice goes rasping. Holding his head down, his lips land on mine in a slow and sensual, earth shattering kiss. "Hmm" my moans and the sounds of lips smacking filled the room in luscious aeration. His tongue dives into my mouth lapping with mine and explores the recesses of my mouth like a thirsty man coming out of a desert.

We walk towards the bed holding each other's hands. He lifts and puts me in his lap so that I was straddling him with my legs cocooned on either side of his waist. "I am a hot blooded male and you are a female in your peak age." He adjusts my head on his chest. "What happens when a plug and socket unite? The electricity passes and that is what happened between both of us - a strong irresistable physical attraction. I cannot live without you Ari. It feels like a part of me is gone..."

"Shh" I put my finger on his lips. "I am here now." He runs soft open mouthed kisses from my jawline to my neck running his hands all over my body.  "Allen" I moan breathless moving my hand on his thick maned muscley chest. "Yeah that's my name, moan for me baby."

There was a sting on my collarbone. "Aah! Oh my God" my voice echoes in ecstasy between the still walls of our luxuriant bedroom. "You gave me a hickey?" I point to the red mark on my neck looking through the mirror to him in mock anger.

Allen bites his lip unsettled laying his hands on my waist and pulls me back to his chest. He burrows his head on the curve of my neck between head and the shoulder and inhales into me. "You smell so divine baby." My long slender fingers play the baby hairs at the tip of his neck and his brims land back on mine once again, sucking, licking and nibbling on my lips. "I cannot get enough of you even to this moment. How would I survive for two days without you?" He tells between our kisses and sneaks his hand into the inside of my shirt. In one swift moment he unhooks my bra and runs the pad of his thumb on one of nipples getting it erect in a fraction of a second. I knew I was dripping my juices by then. 

"Hmm yeah Allen, that's the way to touch me." I moan extending my hands downwards to caress his manhood. Putting me to a standing position he pulls my pants down within a blink of an eye and encourages me to place one of my legs on the bed. The other was resting down on the ground. Kneeling between my legs, he pulls my panties to a side and starts licking while rubbing my bud with the pad of his thumb.

"Christ, that's where I require you." I squeak in lust as he brings his fingers in and out of my vulva. "Allen" I snivel bringing him up from between my legs and kiss him senseless. "You are my Aphrodite. Let me pleasure you for sometime." I mewl like a cat that wanted to catch its prey and shift his pants down. Holding his manhood that was pink in its tip glistening with precum I run my fingers up and down. "You are so perfect Ari." He complements me with his eyes closed in a euphoric feeling.

I pull his shaft to my mouth holding it to my throat. "Baby, the things you do to me" Allen groans bundling my hair to a side and holding it. I run my lips up and down his 'long' increasing my speed with every thrust of it deep in my throat. "Not so fast baby, I want to enjoy you the fullest before I send you out." Allen creaks and lifts me bridal style to the bed. Seconds later we were out of our clothes in haste.

"Fuck me hard baby" I circle my hands around Allen's neck pulling him down for a ground breaking kiss. Not putting his weight on my stomach Allen pulls in and out of me. "My baby is supposed to stay safe." He pats my belly and winks at me. "We haven't checked as yet." I close my eyes in elation and mutter, "sweet Jesus, this is amazing."  My hands move on his strong pecks as he continues to screw me.

"You remember, I am a doctor?" He teases me. "Though I haven't studied gynaecology, I am a physician and treated many pregnant women for various other problems." He rubs inside my cunt with his forefinger and then sucks on my right nipple. "Holy fuck Allen, I am going to come very soon."  I bleat raising my hips to him to increase the pressure. "You have started off with morning sickness and  developed allergy for peanuts. I noted you start a sudden craving for pickles and seen you lick lemon with relish while making evening tea for us."

"Oh my oh my" I take heavy breaths, my bones shaking and purled in rhapsody as my juices drip out in wavelets.  "I love the way you come." Allen continues to bonk me and creases in a pucker holding still inside me for a few seconds. "Yeah" he murmurs making a sniffle and slides down besides running his hand on my belly. I adjust my head on his shoulder closing my eyes in contentment and enjoy the brittleness of his chest hair under my palm.

"Who do you think it is going to be, a boy or a girl?" He asks me absent mindedly playing my hair and rolling it in and out of his fingers.

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