Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


I am Arianna Richmond, twenty one years old, a graduate from sociology and human resource development. Regarding my hobbies I love serving the needy and poor. I know it's the kind of weird but that is how I am. Unlike people and their avocation on collecting stamps, listening to music or reading novels, I love serving the humanity when I want to relax or feel happy.

Every month I go to Mother Theresa foundation and donate food, money and the collection of clothes I gather from my friends and relations. Every month I get 10000 dollars as pocket money from dad apart from every wish of mine being fulfilled. I spend only a part of the money on myself and grant the remaining to the underprivileged.

I love pets and one day aspires to start an animal shelter. Ronald had been my pet dog and my companion from last thirteen years since mom died. When he left me three months back due to cancer I felt a part of me had left this world. Ronald was gifted to me by my father three months after mom died when I couldn't recuperate her death. Since then he had been my best friend and partner in my happy and sad times.

When I cry recollecting the joyful moments of my family, Ronald followed me to my bedroom waving his three inch tail and licked my cheeks. He would sometimes just watch me with worried eyes and growl when he couldn't bear to see me in tears. During my happy times he did somersaults and danced with me dipping in his own snort.

Nancy is my other friend after Ronald. Nancy and I went to same school since our kindergarten and then joined the same college, university. Unlike me an introvert a boring type, Nancy is fun loving, lively and a huge fan of Johnny Depp. She watches every movie of him and wishes to become a top actress one day.

Till I reached my eight year I was in a paradise of earth. My mother was a real Angel, beautiful, kind and affectionate. She loved me and my father so much. We were a happy family with a lot of joy in built for each other. In spite of dad's busy schedule he used to create time for us and on every Saturday we went for dinner at Macburry's.

We used to spend Christmas every year at our family home, a beach resort on the outskirts of California. Planning in advance a weeklong vacation for dad was next to impossible but somehow he used to do it for winning the happy smiles on the faces of me and mommy. Nonetheless it was my favourite time of the year. We used to go hiking, play Frisbee and sometimes just watch the dolphins at the ocean spending our happy time together.

On my birthdays mom used to bake my favourite Red velvet cake and dad used to shower me with gifts. Till my eight year I had the best birthday bashes among all my friends but everything changed after mom's death. The once happy home full of laughter and giggles was left with silent walls grieving the loss of my mom along with me and dad.

Dad became an alcoholic every day came home drunk and sometimes wouldn't return home for days together. He paid little or no attention to me after mom's death. It appeared as though after the loss of my mother I lost my father too though he was alive sleeping in the bedroom beside mine.

Some nights I couldn't sleep forever, always haunted with dreadful dreams. I used to cry the whole night but there was no one to bother or ask me on what happened. Dad buried himself with work, left home early in the morning even before I woke up and returned home drunk after I went to bed. With the course of time dad's and mine distance increased and we stopped talking altogether after a period.

I was born in riches, lived in wealth but the most important emotion in one's life – love, was absent in mine. Finding no compassion from home I started seeking help from outside. I started smoking and doing drugs but Nancy was there for me in my thick and thin times. With her intervention and some medical counselling I recovered from my psychological issues.

Nancy's parents were kind and loving to me. Her father was a carpenter and her mother a school teacher. Though Nancy wasn't super rich like me I felt she was more fortunate for having been bestowed with such a lovely family. Often I went to her home, frequently had dinner with her parents and sometimes even slept in her room.

Nancy has an older brother Robert who is six years older to her. He is an ardent fan of the beach boys and two years back started his own band, The golden Eagles. My frequent visits to Nancy's home increased my intimacy with Robert. Slowly my feelings for him transformed from friendship to something deeper. With the span of time I understood he carried the same sensitivities for me. We began to date and our liking towards one another blossomed to love. I became his girl friend.

Robert often insisted me to confess my feelings to dad but I never had the opportunity or even the courage to face him. After mom's passing away he became an angry monster. He drank and came home, shouted at every servant in the house and sometimes rusticated them for silly reasons but ironically even in his bleakest times he never laid a finger on me. He would simply watch me for a second in an emotion I couldn't fathom and then leave the mansion unrequited.

For the moment he was gone he wouldn't return home for days or sometimes even weeks. As a child I often craved for dad's attention or rather any feeling – love, anger or even regret but no emotions came out of him. I began to fake excuses one after another to Robert regarding my acknowledgement of our love to dad. I postponed our marriage after my graduation so that I would have some time to think and approach dad for a fruitful conversation.

But before I could cross the significant step of my life, dad had already made the decision for me. He fixed my marriage with Allen Rodriguez. I tried to make Robert understand about my situation and my incapacity about proclaiming our love before dad. I told him we could convince dad united stating our love and our decision of marriage but Robert was beyond annoyance and unapproachable. He left me for good leaving the city without intimation.

Unable to handle the decree of the situation I was left with no way but to take the ultimate step. A life without Robert was not worth living. I took a bottle of disinfectant cleaner from the bathroom and drank it in one go on the day of my marriage.  Yet, unfortunately even for the concluding time the fate wasn't ready to accept my terms. I tried to commit a suicide and fell in the arms of a doctor.

"I am sorry I did not tell you the truth when you asked me Allen. I feared my dad's rage and the repercussions of his actions upon me. I am actually in love with someone" I fisted the bedspread under my palms  wrinkling it in the process and prepared myself to brace the situation.

Allen's skin went pale like a sack of flour but I could do nothing to help him out of the situation.  

Oh somebody help this poor guy.
Nobody should be in the situation he is in.

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