Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


"Ari" I stood at the edge of the bed calling her. She was lying down on the bed sobbing into the pillow holding it to her chest. As soon as she heard me, she ran into my arms. With a jerk I took a step back to stable myself and wrapped my arms around her. She crumples my shirt holding it in fists and weeps into my chest.

My hands reach her long black hair that was falling to the sides of her cheeks pushing it away. I hold her neck in my hand and wipe away her tears. "Does this beautiful girl love me?" She bites her lip arresting the smile that was threatening to come out and nuzzles her head to the crook of my neck. I take a long breathe and run my hands on her back in soothing circles.

"I saw you for the first time nine months ago when you were saving a puppy in the middle of the road. "He is Dolores." She says and plays the buttons of my shirt. I nod, "your big black eyes looked at him in so much love and pain. I felt a pang in my heart seeing you distressed though it was the first time that I saw you. I wanted to run to you do anything to make you happy and say everything is going to be alright. That was the moment I realized I am in love with you."

Her soft pink lips slightly part gaping at me in amazement. "You saw me and fell in love before our marriage?" I kiss her hair and nod. "From the moment I saw you, there was this irresistable desire in my nub to make you mine by hook or by crook. There was an inflame in my body to see you again and again and my eyes wouldn't get bored. I wanted to date, see how our relationship would work and probably get married to you one day."

"A few days later your dad called and put forth his marriage proposal. To tell you the truth I was initially very much annoyed but I was indebted to your father in many ways. Making my heart of a steel I agreed marrying you but as fate would have it," I chuckle reminising the day "I learnt the girl I fell in love and and the one I agreed for marriage is one and the same, my joy knew no bounds."

"Why didn't you tell me about this previously?" I shrug "on the day of our marriage, I take a note of my wife attempting a suicide, it is obvious that she doesn't love me. What is the use in disclosing my feelings to her?" I softly nibble her lips with my fingers. "If I love you I am supposed to give you what you like instead of shelling out what I wish to offer and that is why I contacted Robert."

"Allen I am sorry, very very sorry." She cracks into my chest holding me tight like I was a liquid that would slip away. "Dad was right Allen, you have got a beautiful heart. Only thing is I was a bit late to perceive it." I hold her hand in mine and bring us to the bed. "All is well that ends well, do not think about it too much." Placing her in my lap, her legs lay on either side of my waist and I bend down my head kissing her slow and passionate.

Not even air had the space to pass between us. We are the two separate halves that will always stay incomplete without the other. "The feeling I had for Robert was only an infatuation Allen. I was immatured to understand about it initially but after I met you, I learnt what a true passion is. You have taught me - The purest love is sacrificing your happiness for the joy of the one you love. Accept it or reject it, but I belong only to you." She snivels into my chest.

I appreciate Ari's open admission of love with a stretch of my lips. I place her hand on my chest. "See how my heart beats for you just like yours beats for me. When we hold each other like this," I point to our conjoined chests with my eyes looking down at her. "Our hearts harmonize to become one and thump the same rhythm. You are made for me Ari and I am yours. I am attracted to you as much as you are to me, Ari."

Raising her head from my neck she looks at me with her big black eyes in surprise and I nod at her. "Allen" she calls me out of breathe in quivering lips. "I know what you desire my love." Holding her gaze I fondle her cheeks. Her nipples harden and this time I kiss her swift and hard feeling the fire igniting between us.

Ari traced her finger around my lips and admits all of a sudden. "I fantasized about you many times in my bed. There was this current flaring in me whenever our skin touched that I did not feel for any other man. "Ari" I groan directing her hands to my manhood. "Just feel how hard I am for you, now and always." My mouth traveled down to her neck nipping, tasting and licking like a feasting cuisine.

Ari's hand meets my erection making a quaver and bolts out of the blue. I recollect she was still a virgin and I was forced to take things slow. "Have you ever seen or felt a man's erection?" I ask rolling down my hand slowly from her neck to one of her breasts and staying there for a moment. She inhales deep taking a shuddering breath. I explore the moment slightly squeezing her soft melons and kiss her like a hungry man after an year long famine.

I hauled her top over her head and my hands travesed every curve of her body like a wild bore with hot open mouthed kisses. She squirms inhibited under my sensual assault. My deft fingers unhooked her bra and her soft vibrating fingers reached my shaft shy and self conscious. "Baby, look at me." I hold her face and direct her eyes to mine. "There is nothing to feel bashful or embarrassed in relishing sex. Okay?" I study her eyes to comprehend the feelings subdued within her. "Both of us are legally married. I am your husband and you are my wife. We have got every right to touch each other, enjoy and satisfy our sexual urges." I hug her with my hand squished between our heated bodies fondling her boobs.

Twirling my tongue around one taut nipple, I sucked on it and nibbled, kneaded the other. Ari became a slithering snake under my touches completely aroused and heated, wanting more. "Open your eyes Ari, look at me." I gently command her. "This being your first means more to me than you can imagine." I said seriously meeting her eyes. "And I am blithed being your last, yours always."


Inch by inch torturously slow, he pulled off my underwear. "Christ, you are beautiful." He compliments and trails his fingers at the edges of my panties making me squirm. An unknown feeling builds up inside me making me wet there and wanting more of his touches. The next moment his fingers were inside my panties scarcely brushing my bud. I mewled in ecstasy. "You feel that? That is because you have been turned on for really long." Allen pressed down my bud with his thumb and I moaned loud.

"Some more pleasure to give you my queen," Allen took my bud between his thumb and forefinger, rubbed my bud once, twice. I squealed in raw pleasure. Allen eased a finger inside me. The intrusion struck and feeling awkward for I had never had anything inside, I moved a little. "Keep still..." He whispered. "I want to make this as less painless as possible to you." He brought his finger in and out of me and when my body began to respond to his touch he slid his other finger too. "That's good, you acknowledge excellent." He slides his clothes down and winks at me. "Get ready baby for the actual pleasure."

"You might have studied about sex in books and now I will give you a practical education on it." He held his shaft in his hands and bending down pressed his lips on mine. "Now this will go inside you." He points to his long with his eyes. "And that is when the actual copulation happens." I went wide eyed seeing his manhood. He chuckles. "Don't worry you will stretch and accommodate this." He waves his shaft in his hand which was oozing out liquids.

Allen's crest poked at my entrance as he bends down kissing me slow and sensual. "Ready my love?" I nod playing with my fingers. Slow and controlled he starts pushing himself inside me. I whimpered at the pain and his mouth was on mine eating away all my cries and keeping my mind away from the strange, intense pain. He stays inside me without moving, allowing me to adjust to his giant masculinity and when my muscles relax, he starts moving in and out of me.

Minutes later I detonated, jerking, pulsing and crying out as I came. Ripples and waves of pleasure washed over drowning me. With one hard plunge bucked deep inside me, he stilled, kissing and sucking my nipples hard with a rough groan, his shaft was pulsating inside me. His body soon relaxed and he stopped sucking pressing his face under the curve of my neck. "You are now mine Ari, marked completely as mine." He slides down besides, closing his eyes relaxed, bringing me on top of him with his arms secured and wrapped around.

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