Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


Eyes closed I stood reeling in darkness. My heart was pounding and my knees jellied as I kissed him. I bit his bottom lip and ran my tongue across it easing my way inside his mouth. When I opened my eyes Allen was gazing down at me with a mixture of several feelings in his eyes, a combination of love, fear, pain and most of all a confusion. I knew I was doing something very ridiculous but wasn't able to understand what these novel, unaquainted feelings are. I did not feel this for any man previously in my life, not even to Robert.

Kudos to me, I wasn't able to mask those abstruse emotions I felt for him because he said and did the most provocative things to me without even touching me. He was attracted to me and I knew I was too but he wouldn't admit it and I realize that was for my own good. I am somebody else's....Though the advent of Allen Rodriguez in my life was in the most unfavorable circumstances, I do not regret marrying him, the fact is confirmed.

Lacing my hands around his neck I implored him to touch me. Anxiety emanated from him, as he lifts my hand and kisses my palm at the center. "This shouldn't go on like this, Ari." He warned me in a plead but my body reacted otherwise. The more I stayed away from him I was greater attracted to him. Like a fish caught in a hook my heart fluttered for him.

"Ari my cherry.." He whispered edging down my neck. His eyes lingering leeringly on my neck. "I would never forget..." The beautiful forest greens were intense fanning my throat with thick lashes. I felt he was kissing me with his eyes but I refused to look at him because of the tension radiating in me. God it is all driving me so batty. I couldn't help the somatic heat when he looked at me like that, his sparkling gaze dropping down from my throat to my clevage and then to my voluptuous bosom.

I wasn't supposed to do this. My heart kept warning me but the inexplicable connection I had with Allen was undeniable. There was this eternal unrest that urged me to feel, I was his. I wanted him to touch me, I wanted him to kiss me, I wanted him so bad...I knew I was in deep shit yet I couldn't stop.

I dragged my hands sinuously down his firm shoulders to his much masculine sternum. I pulled out his shirt from above. The sight of his bare hairy chest and abs brought another strong wave of warmth between my legs. He kissed my forehead, both the cheeks, my ears. It felt so good. He pressed soft kisses on my neck and ran his nose along. Hot and bothered I thrashed my neck from one side to another in love with the way he was touching me.

My lips part, breath coming faster. He bit his lip tilting his head to a side. I want him to fuck me, touch me in places no one had touched. His hard frame against my melting flesh, his lips on mine again and hopefully other places. When he wasn't at home all I thought was about him. My tongue curled and touched the roof of my lips licking them lightly. "You are gonna give this up. Aren't you?" There was a hitch in his speech and grief in his eyes. Running his index finger on my neck he looks at me in stimulation and crashes his lips on mine. Soft and tender they were confident on my quivering ones. I felt inflamed and more wanton. His touch is velvet his kisses are like drugs that make me insane to go addictive.

Wanting breathe we pull away from the kiss and the reality dawns drawing me out of the mesmerizing quell. I touched my swollen lips with my fingers, and perceived our heaving breaths, the proximity of our bodies was like a tumbler of water dumped on me. Awareness indicated like a typhoon and I ran from him not able to meet in the eye.

An hour later there was a knock at my bedroom door. I raised my head from the pillow that was already wet in tears. "I am sorry for troubling you Ari. I got carried away from the moment." He admits, running his fingers on his temples, pressing them and looks at me with contrite. "It is just that both of us should contain our emotions a little and everything will go absolutely fine. Don't take too much meaning into what happened." He shifts his weight uncomfortably between both his legs and gets inside the room. Opening my closet he looks through my clothes. "What are you doing?" I asked him bit confused. "Take bath and put this on. We are going out for dinner." He places a violet color off shoulder satin gown on the bed.

"I am not distressed on why we kissed." He looks at me puzzled. "I am worried about what's going to happen to you after I leave." His jaw ticks and he reflexes nonchalant. "I will be good, it is not like I fell in love with you or something." I knew he was lying but I did not want to argue with him and pain him more than I already did. He sits a foot away from me. "I have spoken to Robert today morning. He will be here by tomorrow. Shortly all your problems are going to be solved." He gives a forced smile. My heart skips a beat. Please say just a word that you need me and I will fight heaven and hell to stay back with you. Unable to speak past the newly formed lump in my throat, I only nod.

"Come here" he gestures me with his hand. "Will you remember me after you reach your love? Can I call you when I wish to talk? His voice slightly breaks in the end and looks at me with glassy eyes. I hug him tight and sob in his chest. His musk and hue cologne permeates my nostrils soothing me in a weird way. He draws smooth lines on my back and places a soft kiss on my forehead, his lips lingering there for a moment. "Don't cry, you will be very happy. Robert will take good care of you. I trust him." He assures tugging a strand behind my ear.

"I am going on a two days trip to Michigan, I want to give you a treat before I leave but understand that my little wifey is not too happy with the offer." He sniggered pointing my eyes with his and wiped my tears with the tips of his fingers. "Would you like me to drop you at your dad's home before I leave?" He asks tipping my chin up to meet his eyes. I shook my head. He was flying to Michigan the next day for a medical seminar. Two days suddenly felt really long. I would miss him awful.

"After coming home from the trip, I will be taking you to a friend of mine, a psychiatrist. You need a treatment because I do not want you to play that stupid number again." Raising a finger to me his voice goes in a warning. Allen is fiendishly attractive, sweet but sometimes irritantly dominant. I let out a frustrated sigh playing my fingers. Something that I did when I am unhappy or when the situations are out of control.

He was referring to my suicide stunt. Had I known him this close previously, the circumstances would have been different. I tried to commit sucide unthoughtful. I should have listened to dad without having any second thoughts. Leaning back his hands curl in fists. Allen hates to see pain in my eyes. "You keep saying you are okay when you are actually not. And I want to know what bothers you all that bothers you. I will try everything in my power to fix it."

"I am frightened." I blurt out looking him with pooling wetness in my eyes. "I have a phobia for hospitals and doctors." Allen grins ear to ear and pulls me to a hug. "Well, you are presently under my care, a world famous orthopedic surgeon. So you shouldn't fear anymore." Holding my face in his hands, he kisses me hard fierce and demanding.

Will I be able to forget Allen Rodriguez and tell dad the truth. May be a couple of months back I was sure about my decision but now?....

Both the love birds have mixed emotions. Somebody help them and make them understand what love is!

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