Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


Buzz started among the guests as soon as they noted the bride fell unconscious. Many questions came out in soft whispers. Some people were looking at me with pity while others stared in anger as though I was solely responsible for everything going on around. The priest standing besides gazed at me in compassion and I did not know what to tell him? My brain shuts off and my hands fell stock-still holding Ari.

Why did she do this to me?

Harris jumped of his seat and came running to the dais. "What happened to Ari?" Disquietude appearing in his eyes accompanied with fear. I deduced if I was not going to give this old man an assuring reply he was going to die this second because of a heart stroke. Regardless he just came out of the hospital suffering an attack. "She is fine Harris, just a mild insensibility because of weakness." I was forced to lie discerning his fragile health.

A look of relief washed the eyes of Harris. Julie and Stacy followed him and helped me to support Ari. I took the mike from the priest and apologized to the guests for the inconvenience caused and the reason for Ari's unconsciousness. Everyone was guided by Augustus to the adjacent green park where the refreshments and lunch were organised. While the guests dispersed I took Ari to my house for an immediate treatment.

Though I would be the sole person treating her taking Ari to the hospital would give raise to many concerns and doubts among the people. I couldn't take the risk of divulging the secret to everyone keeping in regard the feeble health of Harris and his family reputation. Thankfully the poison hasn't reached her blood otherwise it would be difficult to save Ari. I cleaned her stomach and gave a sedative so that she can rest for some time. Once she gains her conscience I am going to take answers from her for each of my questions.

Attaching a drip to her I come out of the treatment room and sat beside Harris who was in soft sobs sitting on one of the sofas in guest bedroom with his head in his hands. I placed my hand on his shoulder in silent assurance. "How is she?" He asked me in agitation once he came to know of my presence.

"She is fine Harris. Like I told you she is very weak because of which she fainted. Now that she is my wife and will stay with me you can be certain I would leave no stone unturned but help her to gain back her health. I will supervise her diet and prescribe a few exercises. Within a weak Ari will take over the world ready for any challenge." I joke and pat the shoulder of Harris with a reassured smile.


I open my eyes hearing a faint sound of clinking utensils. Looking around I understood I was in a luxurious master bedroom. The room was dominated in colours of white and gray, purely masculine enveloped with a tranquilising smell of musk and hue. Wasn't it the perfume of Allen? I drank the whole bottle of disinfectant cleaner available in my bathroom and I thought there was no looking back but for meeting the Lucifer. Alas! Here I am, not in hell but back on earth filled with problems.

I try to move my hand but feel the prick of a needle. Hissing in pain I come to note there was a drip attached to my right arm and two other empty drip bottles were lying in the trash can situated besides. Whoever this person hell bent on saving me. How long had I been gone from this world? To one side of the room were two doors adjacent to one another. The first one was slightly larger than the other. Probably it was a walk in closet and on the other side was a huge dressing table.

I move my head to a side and see a bed side table upon which was a small photo frame of a pretty woman in her thirties. She looked beautiful and familiar but I do not recollect I had ever met her. Behind it was the only wall decorated in a collage of photographs and there I saw him. I am in Allen's house. There were pictures of him and his sister Julie when they were small, some with my father and the only other one was with the woman in the photo frame.

Immersed in thoughts I did not see I was being watched. Someone clears the throat and I note Allen was standing at the entrance observing me. He was still in his wedding attire except for his coat and tux. For the first time I watch my husband stem to stern and account he was very handsome.

Those beautiful forest green eyes were scrutinizing me with a lot of questions that I was bound to answer. His mid night black hair was dishevelled as though he ran his hands through it for several times. The top two buttons of his white button down shirt was undone exposing his much masculine hairy chest.

His hands were folded to his chest ventilating the strong biceps and legs crossed leaning to the door frame. I lick my lips unintentional and he raises his eyes guarding me. Why was I feeling attracted to him? It is not like I am in love. "How are you feeling Ari?" He asks me bringing me out of my ludicrous thoughts. I nod, "I am feeling good."

"If you are feeling okay I have many important questions to ask you but before that your father is waiting eager to speak to you." He points to the door beside him. "Do not tell him about your suicide attempt otherwise his weak heart wouldn't be able to survive. In fact no one knows about your precipitous action except me."

"You seem to be very concerned of my father." I tell him sardonic but he doesn't seem to least mind. "That I am. I married you only because of your dad's insistence and I wouldn't hang-back on saying, if you were least mindful of your father's health, you wouldn't have undertaken this drastic step." His toughness comes out without a hitch with an underlying angst.

"You are no one to command me and why am I in your house instead of a hospital." I combat him with resistance. He grits his teeth looking towards the ceiling. "To answer your first statement, I am your husband now and have got every right to command you and correct you when you are going wrong." He brings his hands to his pant pockets for a phone and speaks to someone. "Get me 1ml of Epinerphrine injection." A nurse quickly comes inside with the medicine. He injects the drug in a syringe and administers it in my arm.

"What are you doing?" I ask him curious narrowing my eyes. "You started developing a skin rash. It is an allergic reaction and I have just given you an injection for treating it. "Who are you?" I ask him in a shocked whisper. He exhales deeply, standing erect and reading my eyes with an unreadable expression, his hands in his pant pockets. "I am a doctor, a renowned orthopaedic surgeon. Harris told me you have a phobia for hospitals and doctors. So I thought I would arrest the truth for the time being till you get accustomed with your new life."

Removing the cufflinks he folds the sleeves of his hands just below the elbows and I couldn't resist my urges but have a clear look of his well defined hairy arms. Unwittingly I wet my lips and force my eyes everywhere in the room but on him. "Regarding your second question, I am bothered about your father's reputation about which you are slightest sensible of. People will talk about his brought up in thousand ways that I do not like hearing. So I brought you to my home instead of treating you at the hospital."

He leaves the room with a towel and pair of casual clothes from the walk-in-closet giving me the space I so much wanted and I exhale the air I did not know I was holding with a long sigh. What a sexy arrogant specimen! My dad comes inside and we chat for a few minutes. I convince him I would watch my diet and take care of my health.

In the night after I finished my dinner Allen comes back inside my room with a box carrying medicines. He gives me two tablets for consumption and asks me the question I was dreading to answer for all this time. "Why did you try to commit a suicide Arianna?"

What an unlucky girl I am! I try committing a suicide and fall in the arms of a doctor. Closing my eyes I send a silent prayer to God to give me the strength in facing my husband's umbrage .

"I am sorry I did not tell you the truth when you asked me Allen. I am actually in love with someone."


That's so shocking. Isn't it?

Now what is Allen Rodriguez going to do with his wife?

Poor man, I really feel very sorry for him. He thought he was lucky to marry the girl, he fell in love but he had something else in offer by the fate.

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