Chapter 25

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Chapter 25


My fingers tremble and the pen I was holding falls to the ground. "Doctor Allen are you there?" I hear Rosy's slightly anxious voice at the other end. I take a heavy breath and reply her almost in a shivering voice. "Yes, just take care of her, I am on my way." The patient sitting in front looks at me suspicious. "Doctor is there something wrong with my report?"

"Great improvement" I scribble the medicines on the prescription. "Use these medicines and you can see me after a week." I tell him getting up from my seat almost knocking my leg to the desk in the process while leaving him looking at me in shock.

My legs straight away take up racing on the ground. Pressing the lift button repeatedly in haste brought me no result.  So I sprinted to the stairs and scurried over the corridor to reach the room 301 almost panting. In rasping breaths and gulping rapidly I perceive the fragile form of my wife dropping to my knees.

My eyes wouldn't dare to blink, it felt like she would vanish if I leaped my eyes. "Doctor, are you okay?" Rosy asks me worried and brings me a glass of water. Unable to speak I just extend my hand forward to stop her and speak in a low tone. "I am fine Rosy. Can you just give us some private time?" She looks skeptical exchanging glances alternatively between me and Ari and then nods to leave after a moment.

I note Ari was struggling against the hold of the nurses who were preventing her to run out of the room. I nod at the nurses and they shared a look with each other finally closing the door behind them. Once we were in our privacy I try to smile looking at my wife and walk forward in an attempt to hold her in my arms. But she darts away before I reach her. "Go away Allen, I am a bad luck and not worth your precious wait. I am no longer your cherry, your wife Arianna Rodriguez. I am now only a repeatedly used, torn and a helpless woman.

I couldn't fathom a single word she was speaking but as a doctor I knew, disturbing her thoughts would get me into more problems. I raised my hands in surrender. "I promise, I wouldn't touch you Ari but let me be your doctor so that I can treat your injuries." I plead her. "Your bones are very weak and you are suffering multiple fractures." She looks at me in pain but conclusively agrees.

Forty five days had passed. Though her muscles and bones healed there was no improvement in Ari's disposition to me. I was only a doctor to her. I brought her home and continued to treat her. Putting the stethoscope I check her heartbeat and hold her wrist to check the pulse. "You have a great improvement but you need to get better to start a normal life. Okay? I smile and not to bother her, I sat in the other end of her bed without touching.

"Ari," I hold her hand looking into her eyes trying to mask my dejection.  "I am not able to sleep in a separate bedroom.  I feel tired, restless without a nap. There is always this fear in me that if I close my eyes you would run away.  Can I rest here for the night? Tomorrow I have to leave early and take care of two surgeries. Without rest I cannot perform. I swear I wouldn't touch you against your wish." I tell her blinking my eyes repeatedly to stop the tears welling in my eyes. 

She contemplates for a few seconds and finally nods getting me to exhale a breathe I didn't know I was holding. I hold back drinking in her form like a Crested cuckoo waiting for a drop of rain after years of famine.  

I will wait till the day you heal Ari and that is my promise to you.

"Tomorrow I am taking you to a psychiatrist, I can treat your physical injuries but your mind also requires to heal along with your body." I tell her in confirmation. She looks down, twiddles with the toes of her legs and finally nods. I sigh nibbling her cheeks and reluctantly get up from the bed. She wouldn't allow me to be near her except for giving her treatment.

I was sitting in front of the gray haired lady doctor who just comes out of the treatment room examining Ari. "Your wife...." She turns back half way washing her hands and looks back at me reflective.

"I am sorry to say this Dr Rodriguez but the forensic report says your wife had been repeatedly raped, sexually abused and exploited since a prolonged period." She sits on the chair behind the desk opposite me and takes out her black rimmed glasses rubbing her eyes.  "I wish no woman suffers what Arianna endured." She scans the report contemplative and massages her brows as though on a physical affliction and writes the clue points on the prescription.  "Arianna suffers vaginal swelling and bruising and I also detect a presence of wound in the report of sexual abuse. Its a severe case of hematoma."  Her eyes held agony as she tells me in a confirmation.

My fingers tremble as I hold the corners of the table in front of me in a death grip and slightly bend forward in an uncovered anxiety. "The abuse she suffered happened more than seven months ago, doctor. How can she suffer such severe problems now?" She raises one of her brows and surveys introspective once again at the report underneath her hands. "I wonder if this is the condition of her body now what could it have been seven months ago. It's a miracle that she survived all this." She tells in a declaration.

"She doesn't even allow me to kiss her." I confess to her in a despairing whisper blinking away the pooling wetness in my eyes. She solicitously sighs and regards me sympathetic. "It is an understandable conclusion. She obviously hates a man's touch doctor Allen, after what she endured. Your wife is suffering from a vaginal trauma."

Ari walks into the doctor's cabin from the examination room and the features of the old lady doctor instantaneous take a 'u' turn. "She brings a cheerful smile on her face as though no serious talk happened between us. "Are you comfortable Arianna? Do not worry I gave you certain pain medications and you will not suffer anymore aches. Can you just wait outside while I brief your husband about your medicines and prescription?" 

Arianna doesn't reply to the doctor but simply walks away from the room. I hold my head in my hands and try my best not to break in front of the doctor. She walks around the table and pats my shoulder. "You should consider yourself fortunate, she still lives after suffering all that. It is only because of the strength of your love. Be positive doctor Allen, God dwells and is merciful towards you."

I raise my head from my hands and ask her. "Any diet or precautions I need to take care about my wife?" She nods and plays the pen between her hands. "No sex for the present. You have to be careful about her, possibly engage someone with her 24/7 to guard when you are at the clinic."  She pinches the bridge of her and adjusts back her glasses. "I will not knit fairy tales to you but speak the truth.  The next stage of suffering severe depression is suicide. I think you can understand the meaning behind my words.  Do not force her to do things she doesn't want to do. I hope you understand what I mean." She clears her throat and glances back. "You have to take a control of your carnal urges. Somebody had damaged Arianna beyond repair." I grit my teeth recollecting the face of Robert. "You need to be very  patient with her to let her heal. Physical injuries are easier to cure than the mental illness."

I try to even my breath and peak back at the doctor. "Should I take her to a gynaecologist?" She gets up and brings out another brown folder from the treatment room. After studying it for moments she raises her eyes from above the glasses and looks back to me. "That won't be necessary for the present. I gave her the medicines that would restore her health but remember they are only to cure physical injuries."

She knits her fingers to one another and leans back to her chair. "Your wife is a glass doll, one wrong move and she would break.  Healing will take place but I cannot promise you when. It can be months or even take years." My breathe hitches at her heart aching declarations and I land to a nauseating cough. She nods and hands me a glass of water placing the prescription in front of me on her desk.  "I can understand, hope your wife recovers soon. All the best doctor, Rodriguez."

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