Chapter 30

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It was Sunday and I was cooking breakfast for my little family. My son Charles is now five years old.

After Charles, I was really not intending to have anymore children taking into consideration Arianna's weak health. She had two abortions after that because she was forcefully exposed to narcotics by her bastard of an ex-boyfriend.

Having Charles was really a blessing for us. Probably God wanted to see us as parents and luckily Ariana did not have health complications.

I thought she would never be able to conceive with the depression she suffered after the abortion of our first child.

But my wife is as stubborn as a log. She wanted to have a daughter and conceive for the second time.

I tried to argue with her that determining the gender of the child is not in our hands but a gift from God and she would feel dissapointed if we had a son for the second time. But somehow....maybe it was her intuition and she said she was going to have a daughter.

"I do not want black and white everywhere. A daughter brings color in the life. Since I have a son, I will have a daughter too." This was her usual sentence, whenever I told her we quit baby making.

Though I'm a doctor, an orthopedic surgeon, issues related to child birth are better known to a gynaecologist.

Thus I wished to take a second opinion. I consulted the best gynecologists for the risks involved by the mother and the baby.

Thankfully all of them answered positively. God wanted to answer our requests immediately and a year later Edith was born, a girl just like Ariana wanted.

I heard some sounds in the first floor where our bedrooms are situated. My son had already woken up.

Charles was an understanding, well behaved boy right since the age of two.

I do not know if I should consider it as a blessing in disguise or it was my misfortune that he is matured beyond his age.

I was frying eggs. Before I could reach his bedroom, he was already at the kitchen as prompt as always. "Good Morning dad."

I turned around and looked at my little boy. "Good Morning son. You are early to get up. Today is Sunday, you do not have school. You could have got up a little late."

I was then flipping the pancakes. My son and Ariana both love pancakes. So I decided to make them along with fried eggs and bent down to pick him in my arms. But he ran away. "Dad, please do not do that. I am a big guy now. I do not need to be lifted." He called jutting out.

I was proud of my son very much. Whenever me and my wife go to his school we are rained with accolades about him by his teachers.

"I am flipping pancakes. I thought you could help me by adding strawberry syrup on them. That's why I was lifting you up to sit on kitchen platform." I thought I covered it for him but in reality I wanted to hold him in my arms and kiss his chubby cheeks.

"Oh dad, I can do that sitting on the chair of the dining table too. You need not lift me to sit on the platform." Charles waved his hand like some mature young man.

"I am making fried eggs along with bacon and toast. Would you like to have them son?" I kneeled before him to match his height and pulled him to my chest not able to resist myself anymore but to adore my beautiful little creation.

"I would love to have it daddy. But before that I want to show you something." He quickly rushed to his bedroom and came with a toy plane.

"Dad I made this." He said with pride

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