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"I really wanna thank you." Spot said as I closed my locker.

"Oh yeah no problem!" I smiled.
"C!" The two of us turned to see Ace running down the hall, Race on his heels. Ace shoved a cigar in my hands and continued down the hall.
"Oh that son of a-" I was cut off by Race tackling me. He snatched the cigar back, sticking it in his mouth.

"What was that for?" I asked.
"You had my cigar." He answered.

"I didn't take it in the first place!" I exclaimed.
He smirked. "I know. Albert took it and gave it to Elmer who gave it to Crutchie who gave it to Jack who gave it to Ace who ran and handed it off to you."

"Oh so then the most obvious person to tackle is me." I laughed.

"You on the track team Race?" Spot asked.
"Yep! How I got the nickname." He smiled.
"You should try out for football next year." Spot offered.

"You think I could make it?" Race had always wanted to try out for football, he would get so close and back out at the last second. He was afraid of failure and for him, joining the football team was a gateway to it.

"Based off of what I just saw, Coach would take ya in a heartbeat." Spot said.

Race beamed. "Really?" Spot laughed, shrugging.
"Yeah." He confirmed.
"Ya hear that C?" Race grabbed my shoulders.
I laughed. "I did." He laughed back before sprinting down the hall, jumping over a student picking up their things. "Show off." I mumbled.

"He seemed awfully excited." Spot said. We started walking down the hall to our classes, which were right next to each other.

"He's always wanted to try out. Never thought he would make it." I told Spot.

We headed out into the main hall when a pair of arms wrapped around my waist pulling me into the air. I recognized the scent of smoke and paint. "Jack Kelly put me down!" I demanded.

"Aww man I thought I would scare ya!" A slightly pouty Jack said. I laughed as he set me down. I waved goodbye to Spot as he carried on down the hall.

"What's up?" I asked.
"Shiner needed to talk to ya or somethin'." Jack shrugged.

"Cuori Romano!" As if on cue, Shiner came barreling down the hall with Davey right behind her. Since the diner incident, the two had become extremely close. Everywhere Shiner went, Davey was right there with her and vice versa. "Look!"

She shoved a flier in my face. I flipped it around and quickly scanned it over. "Yeah no." I said handing the flier back.

"Oh come oooonnn!" She whined. "
No! You tried this last year and the year before that. Just give up already." I insisted.
"At least try out for the dance part." She tried.
I laughed, "Sorry Shine, it's just not gonna happen."

Shiner, as usual, wanted me to try out for the school musical. To which I said no, as usual.
"You'se gonna spend an hour after school learning that dance, aren't ya?" Jack assumed once the other two had walked away.

"It's tradition." I smiled. Normally I would decline Shiner's invitation to audition, but I would always learn the dance on my own after school. I usually did it in case I decide to audition at the last second, but that never happened. (A/N West side story is around for the sake of the fic I'm sorry for not being accurate.)

"Huh. West Side Story. I think you should go for it." Jack said, looking the flier over. I laughed.

"That's all boys, and Maria is way out of my vocal range."

"Oh but there's a catch. They'se makin' Riff a girl." Jack smirked, pointing out text on the paper. I'd always wanted to play Riff, I never thought I would get a chance because, well, I'm a girl.

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