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an// i love comments,,,,,,,,,,
also this one has lots of jumps

"Hey baby!" Crystal whispered to Rock, finding her in the "Arts&Recreation" section of the library. "Didn't know you worked today." Her friend turned around with an excited look on her face and gave the biggest hug.

Crystal couldn't be more grateful for the friends she had. They knew how much being the other girl for not one, but two people bothered her and were very tender with her in the last few days. Nicky made sure to not bring Gigi with her when she was alone on Monday's lunch this time, Brita stopped bringing Jackie to her room to study together. They were all careful around her although them coming together was inevitable.

The brunette wrapped her arms around Rock's waist, slid her hand in from her crop, light pink sweater and caressed her back. They stood like that for a second until Rock pulled away.

"Is that enough emotional support?" Rock said jokingly. Crystal nodded excitedly with a big smile on her lips.

"Oh, was that what that is? I thought you were trying to choke me." Crystal approached the bookshelf to pick up the book she needed whilst Rock giggled. 

"In your dreams, you kinky bitch!" She leaned against the shelf and watched the brunette look for the book. She didn't even offer help, knowing well even Crystal could know the place better than her.

She was nervous to have another studying session with Matt and still mad at Gigi. She also didn't know how much of the night Gigi kissed her Matt knew about, if any. She was in a triangle she didn't belong to and was trying to avoid it as much as she could.

Rock was watching something behind her when Crystal finally got up, holding the book in her hand as if it was a trophy. She turned quickly to see Matt and Gigi whisper fighting and her joyful face turned sour in the matter of seconds.

"Why the hell is she here?" Crystal turned back to Rock, who shrugged after peeling her eyes from the couple. She couldn't find the right words her friend needed and didn't want to say something wrong and offend her. "Do you remember what I said about payback? Clearly Gigi doesn't."

"Crys, no..." Rock sounded anxious knowing it was her duty to keep her from making a bad decision. "You know you would regret it." She tried to lean in and grab her friend's hand, but Crystal kept the distance. Crystal thought for a second while Rock examined her, trying to understand what she was planning.

"Would I?" Crystal turned around and walked towards the couple leaving her anxious friend behind. Gigi watched the smiling girl approach them for a second before she leaned in to leave a peck on Matt's lips and walked away.

She looked amazing, as always, Crystal thought. With the long silk dress and a belt to cinch her waist and combat boots she looked like someone Crystal would try to at least make out with. Her long hair was braided with a scarf, matching the silk her dress was made out off. How good she looked was almost annoying.

"Hey, Crys." Crystal didn't bother to look at Matt, instead she followed Gigi approaching a table with her eyes. She grabbed Matt by his arm and pulled him over to a close table, one that Gigi could clearly from where she was studying.

"Did you take the notes I asked you to?" She whispered while searching her backpack for her notes, eager to end the project as soon as possible.

They studied for around an hour, taking notes to put on the presentation and writing the report as they progressed. Crystal was shaking her leg the whole time. She knew the blonde a few tables away from them was checking them occasionally, like a mother looking after a child in a playground. The difference was her boyfriend was an adult she needed to trust in.

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