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an// for the first time in a million years i made a book cover for wattpad... lmk if you like it haha

2019, 13th of January

A brunette woman was sniffling while carrying a box that looked too big for her skinny arms. It was almost four in the morning, slightly raining. The air smelled like earth, a scent Crystal would appreciate any other day.

"Cryssie, baby, we can find a way to get through this." A black-haired and pale-skinned woman called Crystal as she left the building. She stopped and put the box down, not caring about it getting damp.

"Do not call me that, April," The shorter woman said between her teeth before turning to her now ex-girlfriend. "Is this a joke to you? Am I a joke to you? I have heard that sentence twice now; I'm not going through this again." April walked closer and tried to hold her arm, but Crystal pulled back immediately.

"This is different, she broke up with me." Crystal stood there and laughed until her stomach hurt. In the middle of a street, her hair frizzy with the drizzling rain and her eyes filled with tears, she laughed and laughed until she started sobbing. It felt cold even though she was wearing a big, cozy jacket. The world felt cold.

"I can't believe I'm the other girl for you, your two-year-long relationship is the second choice." Crystal grabbed the box and left, sobbing as she walked away. She was always a crybaby but this one, it hurt different. Not being cheated on but forgiving April for it hurt different. She felt stupid, vulnerable, and manipulated. She felt like an idiot for still loving April like it was the first day they've met; she felt like an idiot for leaving out of pride and not the suffering she has been going through.

Crystal was well for a month or so. She enjoyed the single life, went on a couple of dates, spent more time with her friends... She convinced herself: she was okay. Until one day, when she was scrolling through Instagram and saw April and her new girlfriend. The girl she got cheated on with was holding April's hand, her April's hand, and was looking deep into her eyes. They looked like how Crystal and April looked like when they were happy.

Crystal got up, her whole body shaking. Tears were streaming down her face before she could realize it. She cursed herself for not listening to Brita about unfollowing her. She cursed herself for not making it work. Was there something she could do differently? Crystal was convinced it was her fault. It was her who wasn't enough, she kept saying to herself.

The room was a mess soon enough. Blankets all over the place, a couple of broken glasses and herself sitting in the middle of the mess, feeling smaller than ever. She was hugging herself when Brita found her sobbing on the floor. She kneeled next to her, dropping her bags immediately

"It's okay, baby," Brita said while embracing her in a hug, "Let it out, let it all out." She whispered petting her curly hair.

Then started the dread, the depression. She almost failed her classes, unable to study or create art. Whenever they went looking for her, she was in the room, under her covers, and watching a horror movie. Then started the medications and self-hatred, a hatred she never felt so deep before.


Crystal managed to avoid Gigi for two weeks even though their friend group was together almost every day. She saw Jackie almost every night when she and Brita studied in their room, although Gigi and Jackie's were so much bigger. She saw Jaida, Jan's roommate, whenever Nicky and Jan occupied their room and she had time to kill.

The three J's, as Crystal liked to call them, never brought up Gigi around her which she was thankful for. All of them knew they couldn't avoid each other but acted their best to act the fool.

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