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an// quick update bc i want wattpad to catch up w ao3 haha tog is in flop era and will probs end soon, i'm regretting dragging it this much anyways lol

Crystal was barely settled in on her room when she heard a knock on the door. She wasn't expecting Brita soon, and Jaida and Nicky made it clear to her that they wanted to be left alone so she opened it with puzzled looks.

"Crystal!" An overly enthusiastic Gigi walked in the room without Crystal inviting her in. "Hi!"

"Hey," Crystal answered confused while closing the door behind Gigi, who was standing in the middle of the room awkwardly. "What did Matt told you that made you this happy?"

"Who? Oh, Matt, yeah..." she mumbled, turning around. "Why don't you sit down?" she gestured towards Crystal's bed.

Crystal sat down on her bed awkwardly as Gigi kept standing, "G, you're scaring me."

"It went awful with Matt!" she exclaimed all of a sudden.

"Oh, I'm sorry,"

"Don't be!" Gigi said, running her hand through her hair. She left her jacket that was hanging over her arm on the chair alongside her bag, trying to figure out how to tell what she told her mother to Crystal. "You know how my mom is a control freak who wants me and Matt together. So, I might've told her I had a girlfriend,"

"Oh," Crystal said, taken back. The point the conversation was going scared her.

"Yeah, and she wants to meet my imaginary girlfriend this weekend," Gigi said, finally sitting down on Brita's bed. Crystal examined her tense body for a second and thought about how uncharacteristic it was for her.

"Take Jan!" Crystal said after biting on her lip for a moment, trying to come up with an idea.

"Yeah, I would do that but she already knows all of my friends, she approves them actually," Crystal frowned. "I actually kind of had a brunette in mind; a cute little brunette with small hands, a pretty one that I adore?"

"Geege, no!" Gigi frowned this time to her sweet talking not working. "That's... That sounds complicated, for us,"

"Yeah, oh god, you're right," Gigi looked away, "What was I thinking?"

"No, it's okay," Crystal wanted to help her, but was afraid of how it would affect them. It was one thing flirting while having time for themselves but being fake girlfriends sounded like a cliché movie that wouldn't end up good. "What did Matt say?"

"That he cheated on me to make me breakup with him," Crystal made a puking gesture. "Yeah, I know. Apparently, he wasn't in love with me either and didn't have the balls to breakup with me. Cheating is the better option in his head, who cares about Vieve's well-being?"

"Vieve?" Crystal asked. "And I care,"

"Yeah?" Gigi asked with furrowed eyebrows. "Oh, you mean the nickname! That's what my family calls me,"

"Cute! Sounds bitchy," Crystal joked and finally saw Gigi relaxing a little bit.

"Yeah, Vieve would've made you suffer in high school," she said while untying her boots to settle on the bed more. Her phone she put on the bed lighted up and she grabbed it to see her mother sending her flight details. "She already has tickets! How?"

"Without confirming with your girlfriend first?" Crystal asked making air quotes.

"Mom gets her way, always, she never confirms," the ginger girl said while looking at her phone, trying to come up with a reply.

"Was this you coming out to your mother?" Crystal asked sheepishly, trying to not cross her boundaries.

Gigi looked up from her phone with a grin, "Oh, she knew. As soon as I figured I was bisexual, I told her, just to annoy her,"

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