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Love isn't always in the most straightforward way in real life. You often don't have a realization moment portrayed exaggeratedly in the movies. Time doesn't stop when a pretty girl walks in the room, the weather doesn't always work in your favor for the revealing first kiss or the love isn't always requited.

Instead, you have small things to know. The way your butterflies get in action when they smile to you across the room, the longing cold left on your chest when they pull away from a hug... In Gigi's position, for example, the way her skin felt like bursting when she saw the brunette walk in the room, looking around mindlessly, and wearing the same costume as hers.

You don't always know you are in love, but in that moment, Gigi Goode knew she was crazy for the brunette. She wanted to run to her like a child, she wanted to kiss her so tender that every third person would be out of the picture at the end of it. She wanted to be with her, but all she could do in that point of their lives was a little tease across the room, holding herself back once again.

The way Crystal exclaimed "I thought you were the devil!" was something Gigi would forever hold close to her heart. The way she leaned to the wall, mirroring herself, and talked with her little smile never leaving her face was the reason she couldn't get rid of her feelings towards Crystal. Even back when she still dated Matt, Crystal was always so charming to her, pulling Gigi in with her positive energy as if it was gravity more and more every day.

Last thing Gigi could remember from the night was how Crystal danced as if there was no tomorrow when she woke up to her phone ringing in the morning. She picked it up, not looking at the caller ID, and almost groaned as an answer since it was still too early.

"Genevieve Goode, are you sleeping at this hour of the day?" her mother greeted with her loud, cheerful voice.

"Hey mom," Gigi said getting up and rubbing an eye with her free hand. "How are you?"

"You know you shouldn't wake up too late in the weekends," her mother ignored the question completely to go in for another lecture. "Early day walks are always good for you and your figure."

"I know, mom," she squirmed before coming up with a lie. "I was just up sewing late."

Her mother didn't answer for a second, giving Gigi a moment to realize the mistake of glorifying her major. Gigi's mother, like anyone else in her family, thought pursuing a career in the fashion industry was a waste of time. They thought she should've go for something useful for their company since she  was always smart academically.

"I was just talking to Mrs. Faze..." Gigi took the phone away from her mouth to groan without her mother hearing it. Here comes the parade, she thought, "I didn't know you guys broke up."

"Yeah, uhm, he-"

"Don't mumble on the phone, Vieve. It's rude." She cut off immediately, "Apparently, you were the one to call it off?"

"Yeah, that's true," Gigi left her bed, already wide awake with a headache, "He was cheating on me, with multiple girls actually."

"Well, darling, maybe you haven't given him enough affection lately. Have you ever thought about that?" Gigi felt herself get red out of anger and bit her bottom lip to not spit her words towards her mom.

"Maybe he was just greedy mom." She cursed herself as her mother took a moment to take her words in. Soon enough, it was another minutes long fight over the phone about Gigi's career choice, how her new hair wasn't nice on her, how she needed to keep Matt. She wanted it to keep the promo relationship between the companies, acted like it was the best for Gigi.

When she finally hung up, emotionally drained already, she turned around to see Jackie sitting on her bed.

"Your mom?" she asked, knowing how they never got along and fought at least once a week on the phone.

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