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Crystal was checking her phone with furrowed eyebrows in the Monday lunch she always had with her friends when Gigi spoke to her from her right side.

"What are you doing for Halloween?" she asked, not realizing the brunette wasn't engaged in the conversation. "Oh, sorry, is something wrong?"

"No... It's okay, I'll answer later." Crystal smiled and put her phone down face down. "Dahlia and I planned a devil and an angel outfit-"

"You're kidding!" Gigi exclaimed as Crystal giggled with confusion. "Matt and I planned the same thing! He even gave me some face paint. I don't know why he was so excited for this year, but I already have mine ready."

"You don't get to leave my side if we coordinate," Crystal joked, her mind still on her phone.

"Like you guys aren't already attached on the hip," Nicky joked from Crystal's other side, earning herself an eyeroll from Gigi.

"I literally never saw you alone after you made it official with Jaida," Crystal answered, turning her head to the side to see the blonde better as Jaida laughed across the table. She didn't realize how the comparison implied something going on between her and Gigi, but it made Gigi's heart skip a beat.

"I begged her to leave me alone yesterday!" Jaida exclaimed, making Nicky dramatically shocked.

"Bitch, then you called me because you needed help with your garment," Nicky said making air quote marks. Jaida smiled and held her hand, not even bothered by Nicky's bitchy joking self. Crystal turned back to Gigi, who was looking to the girls with big eyes again.

"Puppy eyes! Twice this week, and remember when you called me one?" Gigi turned to her confused.

"Huh?" she asked before coming to realization. "That time when you were smelling me like a creep?"

Crystal rolled her eyes, "No, that time you cuddled me, making it seem like you were doing me a favor!"

"I just love cuddling puppies! God, now you're making me miss our family dog..." Gigi went ahead to talk about Nancy, their family dog, for several minutes and Crystal didn't mind listening to a second of it. Seeing Gigi with glistening eyes and a big smile on her face was a good way to spend her time.

Crystal finally checked her phone again while walking back to her class alone.

Dahlia: when is bri alone in the room? i need some of my stuff back

Dahlia not even facing her broke her heart, but she couldn't blame her for it. The breakup was still so new, and she couldn't even imagine how Dahlia was coping.

Crystal M.: i'll be late today, you can go whenever you want

Crystal M.: are you okay? we can talk if you need or want to

Crystal missed her. Missed the comfort she found in her arms, missed the feeling of being protected surrounded with her ice-cold energy towards other people. After all they have dated for over a month, it wasn't like she never felt anything for Dahlia. It was the formerly blonde occupying her mind that confused her, drifted them apart.

Dahlia didn't answer her texts. Crystal actually had nothing to do that day, was just planning to third wheel Nicky and Jaida's honeymoon phase relationship to give Dahlia time to grab her belongings. She finished her classes and dragged herself back to her dorm, stepped in the elevator mindlessly and not looking around and pressed the button of the highest floor.

"I thought you were going to be late." Crystal froze to the familiar voice coming from behind, her heart sinking in her chest. Her voice sounded cold and distant, like how she was towards other people.

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