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not to excite you but this is my fave chapter for some reason

Gigi's eyes were fixed on Crystal as she danced under the streetlight, celebrating the first snow of the year in the cold night. Thankfully, all of them were too drunk to realize Gigi's jealous eyes watching Dahlia swirl Crystal around playfully. Dahlia's hand slipped into Crystal's jean's back pocket as the song changed, bringing her closer for a kiss.

It was two weeks after she was given a choice to keep the friendship or not. Gigi told Crystal she wanted to be her friend days after the encounter, hoping they could bounce back from the fall out and become a thing, anything Crystal wanted. She didn't realize how late she was until Dahlia become more and more involved in their friend group, until the two of them finally became official.

She was sitting on the sidewalk with Rock next to her, Rock's sleepy head on her shoulder when Jan approached her to pull her up for a dance. She gestured towards Rock, but Jackie pulled her away quickly, taking her excuse away. Jackie told her to go and dance as Rock didn't woke up for a second in between the changes. Before she knew what happened she was slow dancing to Cardigan with a very drunk and jumpy Jan, spinning her as requested.

She stole a few glances from Dahlia and Crystal, both smiling big with Crystal's hands on Dahlia's neck as she whispered to her girlfriend. Gigi zoned out, her movements automated and not really required as Jan was the star of their dance.

She remembered Jackie asking her how much she knew Crystal anyways, not enough to be in love should've been the answer. But Gigi could swear she knew her. She knew how much the older girl adored thrifted pieces, she knew her art was abstract when she did it for only herself, she knew how Crystal's lips felt on hers'.

But I knew you
Dancin' in your Levi's
Drunk under a streetlight, I

Gigi knew how it felt to be loved by Crystal, knew it deep inside her heart. Neither of them could name it at the time as the emotion surrounded them, making it hard to realize, but she knew it deep inside.

Gigi knew how it felt to be despised by Crystal.

I knew you
Baby, kiss it better, I

Her drunk inner voice whined; please, kiss me better, tell me this was all a joke and be in my arms, please. She twirled Jan around with a broken smile and eyes filled with tears. She knew drunk Gigi was emotional, but she drank the night away anyways. Thankfully, drunk Jan was so full of herself she didn't realize a thing.

And when I felt like I was an old cardigan
Under someone's bed
You put me on and said I was your favorite

How long has it been since she last saw Matt? Since she last felt loved by him? Gigi knew all along the last year they were growing apart but tried to hold on to the relationship for what? To be cheated on time after time, to keep him and Crystal away as long as she could.

Crystal... Light of her days as she was in a painful relationship. The girl her boyfriend cheated on her with, the supposed other girl was the one who put her out of her misery. Crystal gave her the hope she needed, helped her feel valuable again. She was much more than "the other girl", she was the protagonist in Gigi's head.

Coward, Gigi insulted herself as she watched Dahlia and Crystal giggle in between kisses.

The first snow of the season piled on Gigi's heart. It snowed and snowed until it was buried with all the feelings she had for the brunette. It had to be buried. After everything she put through Crystal, keeping a distance from her relationship was the least she could do in Gigi's head.

That night, Crystal lied awake in Dahlia's bed, sobered up from the cold outside, wondering how this thing that was supposed to be a wonderful relationship felt so out of place. How when they were alone, the spark felt lost.

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