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"You look good Cryssie." April exclaimed as she sat across the table and Crystal was never more irritated by a compliment before.

"April, you have been begging me to talk. Make it quick," she answered while lighting her cigarette. April had one of her perfectly shaped black eyebrows raised, not expecting such a personality change in Crystal.

"I missed you." Crystal laughed. She laughed so hard that every table around them felt obliged to give them nasty looks.

"Is this your personality now? Cheating?" She leaned in, a big grin still on her face, "Does your perfect little girlfriend knows you're here? Oh, sorry, I forgot that my existence never bothered her."

Crystal was bothered to be involved in another relationship drama. The more she tried to avoid them, the more they haunted her. All she wanted to do was work on herself and try to build a relationship with Gigi.

"Crys, I'm sorry," April leaned in like her, trying to play on Crystal's weakness towards her but not knowing how it didn't exist anymore. "Leaving you was a mistake... I loved you."

"Brave words! Did you tell all of this to Lauren when you were going back and forth with me?" Crystal leaned back again and inhaled on her cigarette. Her eyes met with Gigi then, with her new ginger hair. She forgot everything surrounding her and smiled to the beautiful girl as she approached their friends sitting at a close by table to keep an eye on Crystal.

Gigi knew Crystal agreed to talking to April after months of her begging that day, but she didn't know how much it would hurt her. She knew Crystal didn't owe her commitment, and neither did she, but seeing her talking so close to her ex was disturbing.

"Can I sit with you guys?" She asked, approaching Nicky, Jan, and Jaida.

"No," Jaida said, pulling Nicky closer while smiling. Gigi replied with an eyeroll.

"This is the weirdest pairing of three in our group," she said while settling next to Jan.

"Remember when you would sit with Dahlia and Crystal?" Jan answered with a big grin on her face, knowing how much it would annoy her.

"Don't listen to these idiots, Gee," Nicky told her to reassure.

"I'm your girlfriend, you dumbass!" Jaida protested. Nicky turned to look at her for a second before turning back to Gigi.

"Sorry, I meant, don't listen to the idiot and my idiot," Nicky said, making all of them laugh.

"Sounds better, thank you," Jaida giggled to Nicky's shoulder before kissing her. They were so cute that Gigi wanted to pull her eyes out, not that she wanted the same thing, it was just them.

"Okay, real talk, I love how good you guys are handling all of this," Gigi said, meaning the previous relationship Nicky and Jan had.

"Worst case scenario we have a threesome!" Jan exclaimed making them laugh.

"Is someone a little jealous?" Nicky asked in a sing-song voice. "Is someone in the shoes of Crystal now?"

"No! It's not like that at all!" Gigi protested with a high-pitched and cracking voice. "She told me she finally accepted to talk with her, and it's not like we have an official thing. I don't get to be jealous, and I don't need to be jealous, right?"

"Jealousy is not a right Gee," Jaida told her, with a little smile. Gigi exhaled with frustration, "And I don't think you need to be jealous."

"Yeah, right. It's okay, we're okay," she said mostly to herself as Jan rolled her eyes. "What, Jan?"

"I worked so hard to bring these two together, I'm not doing the same for you!" Jan told her, gesturing to Nicky and Jaida.

"You stopped having sex with one of them, how is that hard work?" Gigi joked but she knew how Jan figured Jaida was uncomfortable with them having sex, and stopped it immediately to figure out Jaida's real problem with them and how she tried countless ways to bring them together. "And I don't need you to. I'm handling it well myself,"

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