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Crystal ran her slender fingers through the ginger locks spread in her lap, looking at the girl peacefully reading her book with loving eyes.

It was a few months into their relationship, finally with everyone out of the equation and Gigi and herself only. It all seemed right, even too good to be true sometimes. Whenever the brunette was with the ginger haired girl she could feel her heart thumping in her chest like it was the first time they locked eyes. That day in the field was no exception. Spending some alone time together, reading in each other's presence, any little thing they've done together felt like a dream come true.

Gigi met her ice blue eyes with the loving brown ones, smiling as she examined the brunette's face. All Crystal wanted to do was to tell the girl how much she loved her, and how she wanted her in her life forever, but the moment passed with the ginger haired girl jerking an eyebrow up playfully. The brunette leaned in to leave a kiss on the plump lips she adored; acting like it was her plan all along.

"What was that for?" her girlfriend asked as they pulled away, a beautiful smile spread on her face. The brunette shrugged.

Gigi turned back to her book as her girlfriend kept caressing her hair; her own books in her other hand as she did so. Crystal couldn't focus on the words entirely as she thought to herself now they had all the time in the world. It was okay to take their time, deep down she knew how the ginger haired girl felt exactly the same.

Crystal closed the bathroom door as Gigi turned her around in a swift motion, kissing her in between giggles as she locked the door barely. The ginger haired girl pushed Crystal towards the door, kissing her hungry and sloppy with her tipsy state of mind. She wrapped her arm around the petite waist, pulling her even closer as her lips traced down the tan neck. She left a couple of marks before hooking her finger on the thin strap of the dress, pulling it down to leave kisses on the girl's shoulder.

The brunette groaned under the teasing kisses of her girlfriend, pulling her by her chin to get her into another heated kiss. Gigi obliged, kissing her back as the shorter girl pushed her back to the counter space. Crystal tried to get her to sit on there but the ginger haired girl didn't let her, instead she grabbed the shorter girl by her bottom as she placed her there. Drunk Crystal let out a little scream as her girlfriend laughed, wrapping her legs around the taller girl as she kissed her collarbones.

Crystal's eyes widened for a second as her girlfriend found her chest, memories coming back to her as her hand caressed the milky thighs. "Gee!" she exclaimed loudly, making Gigi pull away to look at her with questioning eyes.

"What is it now?" she asked playfully.

"Last time I kissed someone in this bathroom the most beautiful girl caught me in the middle of it," she said through giggles, remembering how the house they've been in was the house she met her girlfriend in the most absurd way.

Gigi let out a little laugh, "Now I remember!" she giggled close to the brunette's face, their breathings mixed as they spoke. "I can't believe I'm grateful someone cheated on me."

"I can't believe I'm grateful someone cheated on you," Crystal left a soft peck on the red painted lips; "Now Miss Mixed Feelings is all mine."

The ginger haired girl giggled as her slender fingers found the chin of the brunette, "No mixed feelings now," she said before running her thumb over the swollen lips like she did the first time they've kissed. Crystal closed her eyes with the warmth of the moment as Gigi whispered to her, "Crys, baby... I love you," she said slowly. Crystal chuckled as she opened her eyes, looking deep into the blue ones she adored.

Hearing the words felt good, but it wasn't as good as the gut feeling she had for a long while. She knew she was loved, she could feel it in every touch, every kiss. Hearing it and confirming furthermore gave the brunette butterflies in her stomach, but she knew it for a while by then anyways.

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