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Finals went ahead as quickly as they came by. Crystal didn't have much time to see her newly deemed friend with so much going on for both of them but heard from Jan in the class how she was excelling at everything she did. It made her happy to know, happy for her friend and nothing more.

Saturday morning, when Crystal was alone and blasting One Direction whilst painting something for herself finally, she received a text from a number she didn't have registered.

xxx: i can fully hear that, Crys

She furrowed her eyebrows as she asked who the number belonged to even though she had a certain blonde living right upstairs in mind.

xxx: the one and only Genevieve Goode, duh

Gigi: are you coming out with us tonight?

Jan asked Crystal, as the organizer of the group, if she wanted to come to a party that night but Crystal declined claiming to need some time alone. Of course, it wasn't because she knew Gigi would be there with her boyfriend, she would never think that.

Crys: i have plans with Dahlia, sorry ://

Gigi: she can come along too! come on, i'll get you all dolled up for her

Crystal couldn't help but blush with the idea of getting ready with Gigi but the 'for her' part stung like a needle. She asked Dahlia if she would want to come, even though the plan part was a lie. When she accepted, she had no reason to say no. The little, impulsive devil on her shoulder accepted the offer for getting ready together and planned to meet Gigi in her room later that day.

Her piece turned into a lavender focused one soon enough with the blonde busying her mind. She counted the time through the rock songs she switched to. Not being able to wait for the time to come felt so wrong but feelings were not things Crystal could manage easily.

Crystal left the room very early since Gigi promised to do everything for her, even lent her a dress of her's she thought would look good on Crystal. She took her little makeup bag and went upstairs in her paint stained shirt and pajama shorts only. She knocked on the dorm room 605's door expecting Jackie to be also there but realized they were alone when a smiley Gigi held the door open for her as she made her way inside.

"I have the cutest dress; you will love it!" Gigi said before holding Crystal's wrist to pull her inside. Crystal followed with a little, pleasant smile on her face saw two dresses laid on Gigi's bed. "They are kind of coordinating because I made them to practice."

One of the dresses was a strapless, black velvet with a straight neck cut while the other was a cross strapped, red velvet one with a heart neckline(?). They both looked very professionally done, something Crystal would see on the models online.

"Gigi, they are both stunning!" Crystal made Gigi's cheeks flush with rosy pink with her comment.

"Try the one you like so I can alter it for you." She gestured towards the bed, but Crystal hesitated to approach the almost matching dresses.

"Are you sure? I would be fine as the way it is." Crystal grabbed the black one delicately and examined it with adoring eyes. It felt overwhelming to Gigi, her little creation was liked by someone she valued so much.

"I'll just hand stitch it, I can reverse it later." Crystal kept watching the dress as Gigi watched her with a big smile on her face. She finally accepted the defeat and put the dress down, turned around as she unbuttoned her shirt. Gigi turned around the same time as her, giving her privacy to change.

Both of the girls looked past the tension filling the room as Crystal left her shirt on Gigi's bed. She undid the zipper and slip into the dress with ease while she could here Gigi shuffling in the back as she grabbed her pin cushion.

the other girl | crygiWhere stories live. Discover now