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Crystal took the shortest shower of her life, trying to be there for nervous Gigi as quick as possible. She dressed in black satin top over a white turtleneck paired with straight legged jeans, wanting to match Gigi and look good for her friends. She put her long hair in a braid while it was still damp and left to find the girls. A maid showed her the way where she found them sitting in a lounge like area and drinking.

"Hey," she greeted while entering. Gigi turned to her with a beautiful smile on her face and her eyes adoring as always. The girls greeted her back as she settled on the couch next to her "girlfriend."

Gigi leaned in to leave a kiss on Crystal's cheek to make themselves believable, "Hi baby," she whispered before pulling away with a frown. "Is your hair damp again?"

Rubber cut off before Crystal could answer, "Crystal! We were just talking about you,"

"Hm?" she asked, looking at Gigi with a playful smile. "What about me?"

"About how we met," Gigi said but she was looking away this time.

"It's really not that much of a story, a friend of a friend was having a hard time and I offered help," Crystal reached for Gigi's hand.

"And the real one?" Rosy asked from where she was sitting. "I don't know if you realized, but even I did, Vieve flushes so hard when she lies,"

Rubber nudged Rosy, "Don't out her to her girlfriend!"

"I think she is already out!" Rosy joked and all of them giggled. "Spill, Vieve, come on,"

"Okay!" Gigi said with her hands put up in air in a defense mode. "I caught Matt and Crys kissing in a bathroom,"

Both of the girls froze. Gigi nervously bite on her bottom lip, trying to understand the girls as Crystal furrowed her eyebrows with the same old thing coming up again. "Matt did what?" Rubber asked finally.

"Can we get something harder?" Gigi asked towards the door and a maid arrived quickly with a new bottle. She poured the new drink and left. Gigi took a sip before continuing her story. "Yeah, Matt did that. I caught him, like, two times? But I'm pretty sure there was more."

"But why?" Rosy asked, grabbing the arms of her chair. Crystal took a look at Gigi to see her nervously shake her leg up and down, this obviously wasn't a conversation she wanted to have that day.

"Geege, you don't have to," Crystal assured her, which Gigi was grateful for. She squeezed her hand again, earning a little small smile. Gigi needed a reminder that there was more to her life than her hometown now, and Crystal was a perfect one.

"Remember when I got drunk in my goodbye party and talked about how I didn't love him like I used to? Apparently, he knew and even felt the same, and did it to make me breakup with him." Gigi explained simply.

"Well you should've broke up with him that night, I can't blame him," Rubber spoke and Gigi felt the hand cupping hers get tense with anger.

"You know I couldn't. Mom doesn't even think cheating is enough of a reason to breakup, she would never accept that," Gigi defended herself as Rosy looked at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"I feel like there is more to that story," she started and Crystal rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, the part where he didn't have enough balls to breakup with Gee himself?" Crystal's bold choice of words made Rosy gasp.

"Watch your words, Crystal," Rubber came to Rosy's help and warned, "Matt is still our friend."

"Yeah, well, your friend su-" Gigi cut Crystal off immediately.

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