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Crystal was shaken even after the technician left and she watched Gigi climb the stairs to her floor.

She was laying under her cold blanket after Brita helped her into her pajamas, thinking she was shaken because of being stuck there for almost an hour. She let Brita untie her big boots, take her jacket off, and help her slip out of her skinny jeans but refused to let go of Dahlia's baggy t-shirt. It was the only time she reacted to anything around her so Brita let her keep it.

She also gave Crystal a good night kiss after tucking her in. Crystal could see the phone light coming from Brita's bed from the corner of her eye as she nervously texted Dahlia.

Dahlia... She must've been so worried, Crystal thought. She stormed off there in a late time and all she heard back was Brita's concerned texts. She probably was still by the couch in front of the window, reevaluating the biggest fight they've had yet. Crystal couldn't even remember what they were fighting about then, it seemed like a silly little thing to her as what she did came to her mind.

Crystal took her hands to her face, covered it as tears started falling down her cheeks. The image of Gigi crying was not leaving her eyes, burning her brain as she tried to get rid of the ache she felt in her heart. The moment it left her eyes were the moments she saw the furious Dahlia, feeling like she watched the fight from outside and had no say in it.

Her mind switched to Gigi again. She let out a shaky little breath. The only movement on her body was her chest going up and down, at least showing Brita she was still alive in that frozen position.

Herself closing the gap in between their foreheads, leaning on to her as Gigi kept looking down was playing in her mind time after time. The way Gigi raised her head to connect their lips, the way she didn't pull away.

It all burned her in a cold manner. So cold that her heart felt frozen.

Gigi's alcohol filled breath mixed with hers as she stopped midway, their noses touching, and the burning crave of each other making them suffer...

Crystal cried out loud for just a second as the words "We can't." filled her throat. She wasn't the one to pull away, she should've been the one to pull away. She knew she initiated the kiss and she hated it, hated to betray her girlfriend for even a moment of misjudgment.

She had to break her girlfriend's heart and she hated it.

Crystal cried herself to sleep as she hugged Dahlia's vanilla smelling t-shirt. Woke up later than she should've been, not even realizing where she was for a second. She expected to be on Dahlia's comfortable bed, tangled with her but she wasn't. She was alone with her heavy thoughts.

Her phone was out of charge, but she didn't dare to plug it in. She wanted to run away from Dahlia, Gigi, and all of her friends for a second. She wanted to be alone for the first time in a while. She took a cold shower, but it didn't rinse the guilt away. She rubbed her lips as if she was trying to get rid of the non-existent kiss to the point her lips got chapped.

She avoided everyone but Brita for the rest of the weekend, even charged her phone for the first time since Friday night in Sunday night to use it the next day. She dreaded to go to the class, especially when they were still doing the stupid presentations but had to attend due to her present absents.

She went there, sat like a ghost through the lesson as Jan watched her from afar with a concerned look on her face. She left as soon as the class was dismissed to avoid her, headed to her next one before the lunch she had with her friends every Monday. Thankfully, her art was there to help her express her emotions.

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