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Matt: Call me when you're available

Matt: It's important

Two messages from the person she despises the most was what Crystal saw when she woke up in Dahlia's bed, beside some girl they had a threesome with last night. The sun was barely rising, but she didn't know what woke her up or why she wasn't sleepy.

Crystal peeled herself from the cozy covers and took one of Dahlia's sweaters before heading towards the little balcony. She was surprised to see Dahlia awake like herself, smoking with barely any clothing on. Her mind went to the night she spent in Gigi's room with her friends, and Gigi bringing her a cardigan, but she shook it off quickly and stepped outside.

"Hey," Crystal spoke softly to not startle her. "Didn't expect to see you here."

"Hey, goddess," Dahlia answered with a little smile. "Couldn't sleep after you two idiots fell asleep." Crystal smiled big, remembering the late night they've had.

"Well, threesome on a weeknight isn't the best idea but someone impatient begged," she said, meaning Dahlia. She took a cigarette out of Dahlia's pack and let her light it.

"I needed distraction," Dahlia said after a while, looking away from Crystal. "Someone impatient agreed though."

"Yeah, I'm just a slut," Crystal said, making Dahlia laugh with the unexpected answer. They smoked in silence and serenity for a moment, but Dahlia broke it, worried for her friend.

"How long has it been since you two talked?" Crystal mirrored Dahlia and looked away towards the rising sun with her.

"It's not like we don't talk, we have to sometimes," A big sigh escaped her lips. "But it's always hostile, like I'm her enemy or it's like I'm no one. Arguably, the later one is worse. Has it been, like what, three weeks after the party? That's the last time we held a conversation."

"Well fuck her and her new, hot, black hair!" Crystal giggled and looked towards Dahlia.

"Ugh, I love you Lia," she said, catching even herself surprised. Dahlia looked at her with one of her eyebrows raised. "In a friendly way!" She corrected herself and giggled alongside her friend.

"I love you too, Crys," she said, pulling the brunette in a half hug. "In a 'I fuck you while you complain about another girl' way."

"We are just two emotionally unavailable girls looking for some good fucking," Crystal leaned up and left a kiss near Dahlia's lips.

"Closed permanently, would make an exception for a coffee with a curly brunette though," Dahlia giggled, showing her heart, and pulled Crystal in a hot kiss, pushing her towards the iron bars of the balcony. She didn't give Crystal time to think about her half joking but Crystal's sloppy kissed showed how she realized.

Night of the party:

"Brita, I'm sorry," Crystal sniffled as she sat on her bed, looking down at her hands. "I know you needed some relaxing, I'm sorry."

"Nothing is more important than my baby Crys," Brita joked to lighten to mood, but it didn't exactly work. Crystal looked up to see Brita sitting on her own bed with very drunk Rock's head on her lap with the puppy look on her eyes. Nicky was marching in the small room with a furious look on her face, ready to punch someone for her friend. Then she realized Dahlia was still with them, standing while leaning on the dorm's door.

"That fucking bitch, Crys tell me to go fight her and I will!" Nicky mumbled before cursing in French, which none of them understand. "You just wanted to give some emotional support, take it or leave it! What the hell is blaming you good for?"

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