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The rest of the weekdays went quick with the idea of being the other woman in the back of her head keeping Crystal busy. It was clear in her art that her mind was constantly busy. Her last paintings looked rushed and the colors she used was much darker than her usual self, which made Brita worry because she had taken a psychology class that one time. Crystal made jokes about her reading more into it but knew she was fully right.

Matt and Crystal messaged a few times for the presentation and Crystal always tried to keep it strictly professional but something about him always felt off. She couldn't help but think he was not drunk enough to forget Gigi. Who could forget Gigi?

Gigi Goode... The tall girl with the longest legs, and cutest button nose in existence and honey blonde hair that shined even in the rainiest days. Crystal couldn't put the two together, this fierce girl and the fact that she would refuse to break up with her cheating boyfriend.

She saw Gigi a few times after Monday, eating lunch with her own friend group. Everyone around her greeted Gigi's group, except for herself. It still felt weird to be in her presence and she was still mad at her, without a solid reason.

Crystal agreed with Matt to meet him in a coffee shop, just to work on the project that Saturday morning. She was still thinking about ways to convince her professor to change her partner walking in the shop, making the bell over the door chime and Matt's head turn to her. He gestured her to come over to the table when their eyes met. He did nothing but it still annoyed Crystal.

"Hey!" Crystal answered the brunette boy with a nod and left the books she was carrying onto the table. A waitress arrived soon after she sat down and took their orders. As soon as she left Crystal started going through the pages of the books, finding the pages they needed to work on.

"So, contemporary arts..." Crystal started as the waitress put their drinks down, she peeled herself away from the open books to look at the boy with a smirk smile on his face.

"Oh, aren't you eager to work miss Methyd?" Crystal laughed out of anger for him, anger that should've been felt by Gigi instead.

"This," Crystal made a gesture with her hand, showing the area in between them, "is strictly professional Matthew. Is this going through your thick head or should I make you understand?"

He nodded with a smile on his face, showing how he couldn't care less about Crystal's anger. Crystal turned around to look outside the window with frustration on her face and someone familiar caught her eye.

Gigi was standing across the street, almost hiding behind the tree she was next to. Her hair up in a ponytail, the features of her face clearer than ever. Their eyes met momentarily, she stared deep into like they were in a stare contest. If the prize was Matt, Crystal didn't want it. She found the situation almost funny and turned back to the books.

"Contemporary arts..." Crystal started again. They discussed a few key points of the project and assigned some parts. It took them an hour to get through the books roughly and they agreed to meet up in the library some point in the week before leaving.

They both left at the same time but went different ways, which Crystal was thankful for. She opened her orange umbrella to protect the lent books from the barely starting rain. She walked until she saw a certain blonde, sitting under the rain at a dark wood bench.

Crystal stopped a few steps away from the bench, watched the blonde girl try to light a cigarette with shaky hands from the back. There was no way she could walk pass her without being seen so she saw no point running. She approached her, took a second to watch her reaction but there was none. She took it as a positive thing and sat next to her, putting the books in her hand in between them and holding the umbrella high enough to cover them both.

the other girl | crygiWhere stories live. Discover now