Chapter Four

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"Ciel?" You called out once you saw him. The boy was properly dressed, as usual, he was sitting at his desk with a handful of papers in front of him. But there was something different. He was wearing a strange eye patch. The teen looked up not saying anything at first. He studied your face before gasping in shock.

"{Y/N}? {Y/N} {Y/L/N}, is that you?" He stood up still looking at you.

You smiled nodding. "Yes, Ciel. It's me."

Ciel walked over to you, wrapping his arms around you. Sebastian was in shock. He's never seen Ciel greet anyone like this before. Not even his own financè.

You hugged him back closing your eyes in the delightful embrace. "Its great to see you again." You said.

Ciel pulled away. "Yes, it's delightful seeing you as well."

"Sebastian!" A chirpy voice entered the room unexpectedly.

Sebastian let out a long deep sigh closing his eyes. "What is it now Mey-Rin?"

"The kitchen! Its-"

"On fire?" Sebastian finished the sentence.


"Don't want to lose time now do we?" The butler seemed awfully annoyed, he excused himself out of the room. Leaving you and Ciel alone. The teen sat back down at his desk. You walked over to the chair that was set in front of it. "So, you're the ruler of the Phantomhive household now." You said awkwardly trying to start a conversation. Ciel nodded. "Yes, you're correct."

"For how long now?"

"Well technically for a year, but, it's nothing too spectacular."

You only nodded looking at all the trinkets on his desk.

"I honestly wasn't expecting you," he chuckled, " typical you. But it's really nice to see you. I never thought I would see your be- I mean your..amazing self again."

Was Ciel blushing? Hm, he seemed oddly embarrassed...

"Yeah..." Your voice seemed to trail off as well. You saw a photograph of Ciel and Lizzie together, somewhere which you hadn't recognized.

"Are you and Elizabeth doing fine?"

"I guess you could say that."

"Has she said anything about me?" You asked clearing your throat.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, never mind." You laughed nervously.

Ciel stood up still holding the papers in his hands, reading them.

You stood up along with him getting a bit nervous for some odd reason.

"S-So..I..was..uh wondering if you um..wanted to-"

Sebastian had knocked on the door interrupting you.

"Sorry if I'm interrupting you, but there's tea waiting for you."

"Thank you, Sebastian." Ciel set down the papers.

"Of course, my lord."

Ciel walked out of the room with you following. You hid the loose strings of your hair behind your ears. Awkwardly you walked down the stairs beside him. He was calmer than usual. And that damn eyepatch. Was it a dress up thing? Probably not. Once you two had reached the dining room you sat down as Sebastian placed the fresh tea in front of you. The cup had a glossy look to it, the blue and gold design was beautiful.

"This tea smells oddly familiar." You spoke picking up the tea cup, smelling the warm liquid.

"It's Earl Grey." Ciel stated taking a sip from his cup.

"Is that right?"

"Master. Don't forget that you have another visit today, it's with your financè, Lady Elizabeth."

You choked on the tea that almost made it down your throat, Ciel had no expression until you made this awkward encounter with yourself.

"Lady Elizabeth?!" You shrieked.

Sebastian looked at you raising a brow. "Is there something wrong with Lady El-"

"No. No, there's not." You shook your head. But your mind began saying otherwise. You only hated on her because of the way she treated you. She complained about your dresses, because you didn't act 'lady like', or why Ciel would be around you more instead of her. Well let's be honest. You aren't as annoying and girly.

"She will be arriving any minute now." Sebastian informed taking out his pocket watch.

You stood up from your chair. "Well then, I don't want to ruin the time with you and your financè. I'll make my leave."

You didn't notice that Ciel had stood up until he grabbed your wrist. "No!" You looked at him, confused to why he wasn't letting you leave. His ocean eyes locked into yours. He cleared his throat looking down. "I-I mean. Please do stay. You won't be ruining my time with Lizzie. Besides it's nice having someone around that you haven't seen in a while." It almost appeared that he had a slight smile on his face. It looked nice on him.

The moment was interrupted when a big crash echoed in the manor. You let out a surprised gasp turning towards the door way. A bright and cheerful figure ran into the dining room.

"Ciel!" It squealed running after the young earl. The yellow haired girl wrapped her arms around the bluenette. The boy was pushed back onto his buttocks. His eyes furrowed. "Lizzie." Ciel tried to push the girl off him.

"Don't act surprised to see me! You knew I was coming!" She rubbed her face against her financès. "Aw! You're just so adorable!"

You coughed trying to help Ciel out by breaking the scene. Elizabeth's attention was now on you. "Oh, hello {Y/N}." She stood up slightly bowing.

"Nice to see you again, Lizzie." You tried to greet her in the nicest way possible without sounding like a complete bitch.

"What are you doing here? I haven't seen you in ages."

"I just came to visit Ciel." You replied.

"Well it took you long enough." She teased. She might've been teasing but you still somehow took it offensively. You rolled your eyes walking into the livingroom. Ciel must've thought you were leaving since he called after you and ran towards your direction.

Elizabeth stood there almost looking sad. She sighed causing Sebastian to gain his attention. "Is something wrong, my lady?" He asked. Elizabeth shook her head.

"No. Sebastian. Nothing's wrong."

Although there was something wrong. 

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