Chapter Three

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You couldn't believe it..Ciel Phantomhive...

..Was still alive..

You ended up leaving after an hour. Sebastian had told you everything. It was unbelievable. You felt bad for what had happened to Ciel. You never thought he was still out there. Apparently you just figured this out, Sebastian said that it's been a year. You always thought that he was dead and you'd never see him again. Now you had the chance to see him again! You had asked Sebastian to let Ciel know that you'd becoming over. You wanted to catch up with him badly, tell him everything that's been going on. Well...not everything.

Time Skip

"Where are you off to?" Undertaker asked as you opened the door. "Uh, no where. Just taking a stroll." You lied, smiling at him. "You look awfully pretty today. What's the special occasion?" You looked down at the outfit you were wearing. "It's nothing, and this is usually what I wear..." Your voice trailed off getting slightly nervous. Did he know what you were up to? Where you were going?

"Hm, I see. But why go out there when it's nice and dark in here?"

"I'm just going for a morning walk, that's all."

"Where exactly?"

"Just around town." You tapped your foot, anxiously gripping the door knob.

"Very well, I expect you to be back here before," he paused not being able to think of a time, " just be responsible, will you?"

You nodded, feeling a heavy weight being lifted off your body. "Yes. Will do." You smiled opening the door. You made your way out greeting the mornings sun. You scanned the area around you before heading to the Phantomhive manor. People's chatter filled the London's streets, along with the trotted carriages that were being pulled by horses. This is so exciting! You picked up your pace and began to run. A smile ran across your face, at least a mile wide.

Eventually you reached the manor. You let out a big sigh, the gate was already open. You made your way in. The trees, grass, smells. Everything was just as you remembered it was. The peaceful morning with the fresh air brought delight. The sounds of the chirping birds oddly made it better.

"Watch out ma'am!" A voice screamed. You turned around noticing a big wagon full of leaves coming right at you, unable to stop itself. Without hesitation you threw yourself into the air flipping forward, letting the wagon pass you before you got back down to the ground. You stood up brushing the dirt off your dress. "Wow!" A young looking boy came up to you.

He had turquoise eyes and pale skin. He has short, messy, strawberry-blond hair clipped back with five red bobby pins—two on his right and three on his left. He was wearing a plain top with red piping around the collar and plaid pants along with black knee-high boots.

"That was awesome! I'm sorry about that." The blonde let out a nervous laugh. "Oh, no that's alright. I'm just hear to visit Ciel."

"Oh! So you're the one Sebastian was talking about!"

You nodded slightly. "What's your name?" You asked.

"Finnian! I'm one of the young masters servants." He extended his arm out smiling.

"{Y/N}, the names {Y/N} {Y/L/N}." You placed your hand in his shaking it.

"I shall lead you to the young master."

You smiled. "That would be delightful."

Finnian lead you inside the manor, you gazed at everything you could lay your eyes on. He suddenly stopped, causing you to as well.

"Hello Sebastian! {Y/N} has arrived!"

You smiled slightly at Sebastian giving him a small wave.

"Hello, {Y/N}. I shall escort you to the young master. Thank you, Finny."

Finny smiled before walking away.

"My Lord is currently upstairs in his study."

You began to walk up the stairs with Sebastian.

"Oh. Am I disrupting his work?"

Sebastian shook his head. "Not at all."

Soon enough you made it up the stairs, you felt butterflies roaming in your turning stomach. Why were you so nervous? There was nothing to be nervous about! You were finally going to talk to Ciel again! You watched Sebastian knock on the big wooden door. "My lord, you have company." His gloved hand turned the shiny golden door knob. Opening it. 

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