Chapter Five

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Elizabeths POV 

I don't think {Y/N} quite understands. Ciel means everything to me, he always has. I just never understood why he would always be with her and not me. What did I ever do wrong? I did my piggy tails perfectly, I wore the prettiest dresses I owned. I was doing everything a noble lady should be doing. I try to make Ciel smile, but..nothing ever seems to work. Why doesn't Ciel treat me differently? It seems as if Ciel cares about {Y/N} more than he cares about me. But what does she have to offer?

I remember the day {Y/N} and Ciel first met. At first I thought we were all going to be the perfect set of friends. But..whenever I came to visit it seemed like {Y/N} was always there. Ruining my time with Ciel. It hurt to see him give her more attention, it really did. Even when we were younger after she left to go back home he said he was too tired to play with me. He ignored me during dinner, because he didn't feel like talking.

​​​​​​Every night I'd cry myself to sleep. Hoping that all those tears would help me get over it through the years, but it never did. Then that night...when the Phantomhive manor caught on fire. I thought I'd lose Ciel forever....

But when I saw him again, I was so happy. Maybe this time he'd want to talk to me. I haven't heard or seen {Y/N} for those past years. I don't want to sound crazy but, it was kind of nice. It feels like every time I see her I just want to cry. So when I came over today I knew that nothing could keep Ciel and I apart. But I thought completely wrong. It was unbelievably true. {Y/N} was there. She looked much older, of course. Extremely pretty if I'm being honest...

And of course nothing had changed, Ciel was all about {Y/N}.

I felt like I let not only Ciel down, but myself.

Everything hurts now. It really does.

I just hope Ciel sees what's right in front of him. The girl who puts on a smile just for him. The girl who makes sure every morning that she looks as beautiful as she can get. Just for him.

Sometimes I wish {Y/N} had never met Ciel. It's a terrible thing to say but it's true.

I love Ciel more than anyone can imagine. He's my world, my happiness, my love. But it feels like all of that is being taken away. And there's nothing I can do about it, besides watch it all fall apart around me. 

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