Chapter Eighteen

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You couldn't believe what you were watching. Every single one of your guys' eyes widened in pure shock. That pure innocent sweet girl was once again standing on her own - protecting herself. You watched two silver blades dance together as they sliced off the heads of the dead corpses. It all felt too unreal, was this even the same person that you remembered from all those years ago?

Water danced about her feet - as she seemed swift yet almost appeared more aggressive. She grunted with each harsh stab she made, not seeming to care if any blood soiled her clothes - her dress followed her down the hall she was placed in as she continued to pierce the rotting skin of the corpses with her swords.

You could hear Ciel's heavy staggering breathing - he seemed to be more shocked then you were. You watched Elizabeth quickly swing around, standing over Ciel as she struck her sword into another corpses mouth whom had been hovering over Ciel from behind. Tears strolled down her pale doll-like face, falling to the floor. "I'm sorry," she spoke in a soft whimper. "I couldn't take it anymore - I've never dared to show this side of myself, or even tell you how I truly feel." Lizzie presented her glistening green eyes at the boy, giving him a strong nod. "I've finally learned my place now, and I've decided that if I truly loved you - I would give you what you truly needed!" The girl slid her sword out with ease from the corpse, turning around on her tippy-toes to face more walking corpses that were coming straight into her direction. Elizabeth furrowed her brows and changed her expressions into a determination look. "I am Elizabeth, daughter of the Marquess of Scotney. My father is Alexis Leon Midford, knight guard cross!" She formed her blood dripping dual swords into an 'X' form in front of her. "I will protect the queens gaurd dog! And give him what he truly deserves!"


You watched Elizabeth rush over to Ciel through the doorway. Her green eyes full of major concern. "Are you alright?" She asked. The three of you were much younger, around the age of eight? Ciel was practicing around with the sword but instantly failed only a few minutes in. Ciel looked up from his position. "Yes, I'm alright. I guess this just isn't one of my best skills." He nervously laughed it off. Bored, you ran back to Undertaker whom had been speaking with Ciel's parents. "But that's alright. This skill isn't the most flattering one." He stood up, not seeing nor hearing Lizzie gasp at his words. "I have to do something really quick..see ya!" The boy happily picked the sword back up and ran to the other room, greeting your presence. "(Y/N)! (Y/N)!"

Ciel caught everyone's attention in the room. His mother and father smiled. "How did it go?" Ciel shook his head, lightly panting. "Not too well, I suppose this sort of thing isn't for me." Rachel tilted her head lightly. "Come now, don't say such thing. You'll get better over time." The boy shook his head in refusal to the words. "Nu-uh. But something tells me that {Y/N} might be good at it!" Vincent chuckled as she watched the boy try to hand over the sword the girl. You only gasped. "Me? B-but why?"

Ciel smiled and shrugged. "I'm not sure why.."

Lizzie shook her head, beginning to speak to herself. "What are girls made of?: Sugar...spice..and everything nice. Learn poetry, not philosophy. Embroidery! Not fencing. Dancing, not chess. Be an angel! Be innocent of all things. That's what most of us English girls were told."


Elizabeth looked up, eyeing the red haired reaper that was standing a few feet away from her. "If this is the way it's meant to be - then I will let it happen!" Lizzie dashed towards Grell, preparing herself to stab him right then and there. "I will let Ciel and (Y/N) be together!"

Right when her actions were bound to take place. Sebastian had stopped her, the girl looked up. Seeing the butler's calm appearing face with a light smile. "My lady..please, you've done more than much needed." Sebastian calmly spoke. Lizzie lightly shook her head. "N-no, I don't and I cant." She looked down, dropping her swords on each side of her.

"I've failed as a butler. a lady such as you should have never gone through as much trouble as that. Please, forgive me." The demon got down on his knee, placing his gloved hand over his heart - bowing his head down. Elizabeth maintained eye contact with you for a moment, racing thoughts going through your head. You felt a single drop of a tear stroll down one side of your face, feeling it slowly make its way to your jawline before it hit the floor. She gave you a soft smile before giving a determined nod. Sebastian stood back up and adjusted his dark colored attire. "I'll take care of everything from now on." He blankly spoke.

Grell grinned, raising his scythe high. "Shall we pick up where we left off?~" He teased. A familiar voice appeared with its figure in the doorway next to Ciel. "You're here!" Snake spoke for his reptiles that were still hanging around him. Ciel grunted in either pain from moving or in frustration. "Where is the doctor?" Ciel snapped in his question. "He managed to escape, I'm sorry."

Ciel looked over at his butler, furrowing his brows. "Sebastian! We don't have time to deal with these two, idiots! Ryan is the main key to this incident! We need to go after him!"

"What?" Grell spoke. "This Ryan fellow you speak of, if we manage to catch him we might have a chance of learning the truth about these walking corpses?" Ronald walked up to Grell, holding his small book open wide enough for the both of them to examine it. "Sutcliff, look."

Grell looked down at the book, adjusting his glasses back into place. "Yes. I see. I guess we don't have any time to play around, do we? And I suppose (Y/N) wouldn't be any good with all this now would she?" Grell and Ronald had jumped back into their last position up in the hole in the ceiling they had created earlier. "Sorry to rush off, Bassy. But now we need to look into this undead crisis as well. As much as I wish I could stay, I'm afraid our game is over for now." Grell blew Sebastain a quick kiss before him and the other reaper had taken off.

The earl stood up, holding his hand on his thigh. "We need to find, Ryan." He grunted. He got back into contact with the ground - after realizing he wouldn't be able to hold himself up. All of you gasped, running over to him. Lizzie held her hands to her mouth. "You're leg! Here, let me help you!" She immediately turned herself around - dropping her swords, putting herself in a position to where Ciel could climb onto her back. Sebastian chuckled as you watched him kneel down to Lizzie's level. "That's very thoughtful of you but perhaps you could allow me?"

Elizabeth gasped, standing straight back up onto her feet. "Yes, of course! What was I thinking? He doesn't exactly need me anymore.." The girl held her face in her cold pale hands, trying to keep herself together. Each of you watched closely - already knowing what was about to occur. Tears pricked in her green glowing eyes until she completely began to cry. "I'm never going to learn to stay out of (Y/N) and Ciel's relationship! I'll ruin everything! (Y/N) will forever hate me!"

You gasped, falling to the ground once she did - placing a gentle hand on her knee. "Hate? What are you talking about?" You asked. "All those times! All those times you wanted to be alone with Ciel I ruined it! I was so selfish and inconsiderate! Remember - remember when I would always say such hateful and mean things about you? Aren't you mad at me for that?! "

You shook your head. "No, of course not. And if anyone should be saying sorry it should be me."

Elizabeth wiped her tears away, looking at you with wide eyes now. "Really? So you don't hate me?!"

You smiled and shook your head. "No. Never."

Sebastian stood up, holding Ciel closely in his arms. "Well, shall we get going then?" You nodded and stood up, helping Lizzie back onto her feet as well.

"Yes, we shall." 

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