Chapter Ten

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"Still don't want anything to do with me~?"

Grell's unexpected voice didn't startle you.

"No, I change my mind."

You kept close to Ronald, gazing at all the people almost pushed together as one.

"I still can't believe Sutcliff made me take you."

You looked up at the dirty-blonde haired reaper. "What? Are you implying that you have a problem with me?" You asked, sounding offended.

"Well, who knows how long you'll have to stay with me. I just hope you won't keep me back from doing my work. I'm more frustrated that I have to collect all the souls you're supposed to."

​​​​​​You smirked pushing by an older couple. "I'll help you out another time."

"You better, besides what's with you and this kid anyways?"

You gazed up at the large ship holding your hand out, blocking the sun from stinging your eyes.

"It's a long story. But I care for him..."

Ronald sighed. "Well don't get too attached, you'll have to reap his soul before you know it."

For some odd didn't believe that.

You looked down at your new attire. It was supposed to keep you from looking suspicious. God! It was itchy as hell.

"I hate this thing!" You adjusted the clothing aggressively.

Ronald gasped, grabbing your hand tightly. "Let's go!"

He began to run, dragging you along.

You accidentally ran into a few people, grabbing their attention.


"We don't have much time!"

From the corner of your eye, you could've sworn you saw Finnian. Possibly Ciel.

"Crikey!" Finnian gazed up at the ship, childishly standing on his tippy-toes.

"She's lovely! Oh yes she is!" Mey-Rin clasped her hands together, looking up at the large sea craft in awe.

"Blimey, Snake! You're so lucky you get to go!" Finny smiled at the quiet male, who stood by the Earl.

"You best look after our master for us now." Bard remarked.

​​​"I've always dreamed of going on a voyage like this!" Mey-Rin chirped.

Sebastian turned around, facing the three individuals. "That's enough gawking, I expect you all to keep out of trouble while we're away?"

The three servants nodded. Making it clear that they understood.

"Very good then."

"Let's be off." Ciel tilted down his top hat.

Your feet nearly tripped over one another as you two made your way onto the ship.

You clashed onto the deck, breathing heavily. "Really?" You barked.

"We were about to run out of time."

Once the ship had began to slowly move away the crowd still on land began to yell loudly, cheering and waving to their beloved family members.

You looked at them. "It's a shame. They don't know what's bound to become."

"Death. It happens." Ronald plainly stated checking his watch.

"But, we made it on time and that's all that matters. It's smooth sailin' now and the future is lookin' bright," he chuckled, "at least for some of us."

You rolled your eyes, standing back up.

"Now I just need to find Ciel."

"Wait. You're not going anywhere without me, Sutcliff said so." He placed his hand onto your shoulder.

You rose a brow shaking his hand off. "Since when have you ever listened to him? Besides, I think it would be weird if Ciel found out that I was with you."

"Well, it would look like you're traveling with an adult rather than alone. Wouldn't that make it less strange?"

You scoffed. "Are you even willing to help me find him?"

He shrugged. "Sure, as long as you don't cause trouble."

"Great. Let's go then."

You began to walk around searching for him.

"Hm, if he's here. Then Elizabeth must be too."

"Elizabeth? You mean to tell me there's another one that you're looking for? Good grief kid."

You shook your head. "No, Elizabeth. She's Ciel's fiancé."

"Wait, This..Ciel that you have feelings for. Has a fiancé?" Ronald began to laugh. "You're wasting your time. You have no chances with him."

You growled a bit. "Shut up."

"{Y/N}, it's not worth your time."

"Yes. It is. Like I said, I care for him. A, let's go!" This time you picked up your pace. Looking for both, curly hair and a tall man dressed in black, knowing that he always tags along with the young earl.

"Miss {Y/L/N}! Wait!"

You didn't listen to the reaper. You only scanned the area desperately.

"C'mon...where are you?"

"{Y/N}!" Ronald shouted.

You faced him, seeing that he had been pointing in a whole new direction.

You went towards him.

"I think I saw them go in there. Let's go."

He lead you into a huge room, from what you believed they called, "Mess Rooms."

"Over here." You two sat down at a large empty table.

The room was already filled with people.

Eating what they pleased. Different smells of food raced into your nose.

"Are you sure you saw them come into here? Do you even know what they look like?"

"Mhm. And sure I do. They look like..people."

You face-palmed yourself. "Ronald. I-"

"Is that them. Over there?"

You immediately put your hand down, looking into the direction he was pointing to.

Only to spot a young boy and blonde haired girl. You smiled. "Yes, that's them." Then you had noticed another strange individual, he had grey hair, and wore a strange attire. When was he ever around?

"Alright then. Go talk to them."

That gave you an unsettling feeling. "Uh.."

"No, don't tell me you're backing out now. Listen I helped you-"

"No, I know. It's just, I think I'll give Lady Elizabeth and Ciel some time together. I'll keep an eye on them to see where they go. And if they do, then I'll just follow them."

"Ugh. Grell should've taken you instead." He planted his forehead on the edge of the table shaking it slightly.

"Please just get it over with."

Elizabeth giggled. Happy that everyone was finally together again. "Isn't this delightful?" She asked looking at Ciel. "Uh.." He looked at her brother, whom had seemed to be eyeing him deeply. Making sure he responded the right way.

"Y-Yes. Of course it is."

He rested his chin on his palm, zoning into some thoughts.

'I honestly wish I invited {Y/N} to come with. But..would it have been rude to?'

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