Chapter Fourteen

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The Earl began walking down the stairs, holding a flashlight and a gun.

"This is the cargo hold..." He informed himself, keeping aware of his surroundings.

He made his way further into the silent room.

A figures hand creeped its way out from behind the bluenette, causing the teen to gasp and turn around.

Dropping the flashlight he was keeping hold of.

He pointed his weapon at Elizabeth, who was now being shown by the dropped light source.

The girl let out a cracked squeal of fright.

They both took a long pause to see who they both came across to.

"L-Lizzie?" Ciel loosened up a bit.

"Ciel! Careful you almost shot me!" She whined.

"You startled me, I didn't expect you to be here," Ciel rose a brow. "What are you doing in here?"

"I was looking for you! I told you to wait for me while I got our cake, but you vanished. I went to find you and when I saw you running down the hall I followed. Not to mention, I could have sworn that I saw {Y/N}...but, I don't know why you're down here! It's so dark and horrid."

A loud thud bounced in the room.

"Who's there?! Oh..Snake.." Ciel adjusted his eyepatch, sighing to himself.

"You just now notice us?! Says Wordsworth...'We've been here the whole time!' "

"What are you doing in the cargo hold?" Ciel asked the male.

"The food was too delicious not to share with the rest of us down here! Donne answers."

"He's right! The food was exquisite! Especially the lovely cakes. I made sure I picked the perfect one for you. See!" The green-eyed girl held out the plate that she had been holding. But from what she had least expected, the plate was empty.


Everyone gasped when they heard an unsettling noise. Lizzie turned her head only to greet the presence of one of the walking corpses.

She screamed as it had attempted to plunge at her. Ciel grabbed her by her wrist and jolted her back out of the zombies reach.

The two teens came into contact with the ground. Ciel took his gun and shot at the corpse.

That's when you had finally come into action ​​and swung your death scythe at the figure. Slicing its head clean off.

"Remeber, you need to aim at its head." You landed on the ground looking at Ciel and Lizzie.

Ciel helped Elizabeth up as he sent a glare at you. "You couldn't have possibly forgotten what I had said earlier..."

"Oh no, I didn't. But you should know me by now, I don't listen."

" {Y/N}, W-What are you doing with that?" Lizzie pointed at your scythe.

"It's nothing." You lightly rolled your eyes and looked at an unfamiliar male. Snakes were slithering all over him. Who was he?

"The society's insignia," the earl began, "Ryan Stoker. He must've brought another corpse on the ship. From what I recall, that wasn't the same corpse from before."

Your eyes widened slightly. "Yeah, I don't think those are the same from before either." You spoke.

Ciel furrowed his brows. "What?"

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