Chapter Thirteen

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He laughed to himself looking down.

"and I'm guessing you're the young blue eyed earl {Y/N}'s been talking about?"

Ciel gasped.

"{Y/N}? How do you know about her? Who the actual hell are you?"

Ciel grabbed his gun from his pocket and held it up to the reaper, which gave no reaction to it.

"Well I'm guessing I'm correct then. Aren't I {Y/N}~?"

​​​​​​​​​​​​'Damn you, Knox!'

You gritted your teeth, sucking in air harshly through the small cracks.


You could feel everyone's gaze in the area to where you had been hiding.

Think of something! Put on an act!

You hesitantly made your way out from behind the pole, clearing your throat.

Ciel gasped. "{Y-Y/N}! What in the devils name are you doing here?" He asked, putting away his weapon.

"Well you see. My uh, father is here, and I um. I wasn't exactly supposed to come with but I did.."

"Even if you are here, why are you in here? I would have figured that you would've run away from the disgusting event."

Ronald chuckled. "Wasn't as disgusting as the Phantomhive incident, ain't that right {Y/L/N}?" The reaper smirked at you.

"Huh?" Ciel titled his head, confused at the comment.

"No, Ronald. I don't know what you're talking about." You flashed a small glare at him.

Ciel rose a brow. "Wait, you know him? But, he's a reaper."



There was no way out of this one.

You sighed, looking deeply into his one blue eye.

He took a step back, shaking his head. "N-No, you can't be. Please tell me I'm just fooling myself."

You wanted to cry, tears began to form in your eyes.

"I was going to tell you, Ciel. But I was afraid that you were going to run away."

"Why didn't you just tell me in the first place? So...this whole time..I-it's all been a lie?"

You shook your head. "No Ciel. None of it has been a lie -"

"Besides you."


"You. You lied about everything!"

"Ciel, trust me! I didn't!"

He scoffed. "Trust you? I'm not sure I can anymore. Knowing what kind of creature you are now I recon you stay the hell away from me or I won't hesitate to put a bullet through your skull."

You gasped.

"Sebastian, I'm going after Ryan. Don't let {Y/N} follow me, and keep that useless reaper out of the way."

The bluenette took off.

"W-Wait! Ciel!"

You took a few quick steps forward but was stopped by multiple sets of silver knives, then an upcoming roar of a mower.

The raven haired demon skillfully held the knives close to you and held a hand on the side of the mower.

"The young master gave me an order, and I surely won't let my loyalty end here."

"Ugh, damn you!"

You slid out your death scythe and thrashed it down to where Sebastian was standing.

Quickly, he moved.

"Sebastian. Please don't make me do this."

"I'm not making you do anything, you're doing your own actions."

Ronald gritted his teeth and went after Sebastian.

The butler chucked the knives at Ronald's scythe, causing the knives to immediately get sliced up.

Sebastian put on a slight smirk as his eyes began to glow a dark red. "There's one thing I know about reapers, they always keep their Scythe's sharp."

Ronald scoffed. "Well, yeah."

You looked at both of the men before taking your chance by running to the door Ciel went through.

Sebastian had stopped you once again, also grabbing your scythe.

"Hand it over!" You barked.

"I recommend that you don't proceed any further." He hissed.

"You can't tell me anything! I have all rights to go after Ciel! And no one, including someone as yourself can stop me!"

You brought your foot up and kicked the demon in the gut, grabbing your scythe from his hand.

You took off as Sebastian tried to follow. But the fellow reaper stopped him in his tracks.

"Your master gave you two orders. Which one are you willing to give up?" Ronald smirked, taunting the demon.

He only growled and glared in return.

You took off and began searching for Ciel.

You looked down in your book, reading the same two names over and over again not believing it one bit.

"No! No! No!"

You shook your head rapidly and threw the book onto the ground, pulling your legs into your chest.

"I'm not doing it!"

This was the moment that you now began to regret being a reaper.

How in the world would you be able to manage to reap their souls?

Ciel Phantomhive's parents.

The two individuals that not only him, but you, and everyone else loved.

This single event, would make you feel guilty for the rest of your life. 

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