Chapter Nineteen

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Boats had already seemed to hurry out into the water, holding at least five or more people in each watercraft. "Women and children first!" Elizabeth's brother had yelled out, immediately catching all of your guys' attention. Lizzie took a few more steps forward and dashed out to her older sibling. "Edward!" She merely cried. Edward instantly recognized her voice and turned towards each of you. He smiled brightly and opened his arms for Elizabeth to clash in. He let out a breathy laugh, "Oh! Thank goodness! You're safe!" Each of you took a short moment to watch the scene before Ciel had begin to speak. "Edward, may I ask a favor?" The Earl pointed his finger at Snake whom was standing beside you. "Put him on the life boat, he'll take my place. There is a few things I need to take care of before evacuating." This made Elizabeth gasp and run towards him. "No! I may have promised you something, but I -" the girl was cut off by a strong gloved hand hitting her pressure point with just enough force to knock her out. Sebastian claimed her into his free arm before she had come into contact with the floor beneath her. Edward gasped and looked at the butler. "What the hell?!" He shrieked. Sebastian shook his head. "I'm afraid we don't have enough time to discuss it, but - Lady Elizabeth can be stubborn." Ciel looked up at Edward once more. "Lizzie is now in your care." He stated. Edward didn't hesitate to nod. "Very well." You looked up at the sky before looking behind you. "Lets go! We can't lose any more time!" You urged.


The main room was lifeless, only filled with dead bloody bodies that lay about the floor. The only noise to be heard was Stoker as he was panting heavily - trembling over dead bodies as he tried to make his way around to the other side without being caught. The boat seemed to have lost its balance more - tilting more one way then one would've wanted. This made the doctor lose his own balance and fall back onto the rail, he leaned back so much that he had fallen over. He felt his heart skip a few beats as he lost his breath and his eyes widened dramatically. A red haired form had caught the man by his ankle, now leaving him dangling in the familiar reapers grip. His grimful sharp smile presented itself as Grells green eyes glowed. "Oh lucky me! Another sharp looking man crossing my path." Grell cooed. "Is it wrong for me to assume that you're the one making all the corpses walk about?" Grell asked. Stoker furrowed his brows as Ronald made his way in next to Sutcliff. "You see, we really can't have all these things around. Death isn't meant to be a temporary state." Grell squinted his eyes. "So? How do we put these trouble making things to an end?" He asked. Stoker gritted his teeth. "T-there's a device that will put an end to them, I swear!"


You, Sebastain, and Ciel quickly made your guys' way down the ship's long halls, gasping after seeing a male with long blonde hair and in a clean formal attire, holding a half filled glass in his hand. "Lord Druitt?" Ciel merely whispered. "What is he doing here?" The male looked at each of you, slightly raising a brow. "You two look familiar, we have met before, no?" A few other men came walking out - working together to hold up a large mechanical device of the sort. Sebastian cleared his throat. "Pardon me for asking, but is this the device that stops the corpses?" This made druitt only chuckle and face his back towards each of you. "If you want the answer, you're going to have to follow me. Trust me - you aren't going to want to miss what is about to occur." Each of the men walked away in silence, leaving you three to stand there and make your decision. You furrowed your brows. "Should we liberate the device?" You asked. Ciel shook his head. "No. Not yet. We still need to get more information." The blue eyed teen replied. This signaled Sebastian to follow the males ahead of you. You looked forward and merely gasped. Your heart raced once you saw your father taking in the same footsteps as Druitt. You instantly hid your form behind Sebastain and Ciel once he said his name and grabbed his attention. He turned his head. "Oh, hello there." Ciel furrowed his brows. "What are you doing!?" Undertaker shrugged at the young Earls question. "Forced labor. I was making my way to the deck when they stopped me and told me to help carry this thing." He replied. Ciel slightly leaned over, holding his hand up by the side of his face to whisper something in Undertakers ear. "This is important - do you know how to operate this device?" Ciel asked. "Tsk tsk, so many questions yet I can't seem to answer any for you this time."

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