Chapter Eight

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"Come on slow poke!" You teased the blunette whom was running behind you.The green grass lay below your guys' feet. The wind catching your locks, making it hard to see when it danced in front of your eyes.

You and Ciel had decided to ditch the manor after lunch. Getting yourselves involved in a new world. A world that no one has ever thought about except you. Which this new universe only made since to your eight-year-old self. Since you were so young, and only had so much knowledge packed in your brain.

Ciel eventually made it on top of the hill. You let out a childish giggle. You waved at the small figures, which were of course Ciel's parents. His actions were soon to follow. His parents were sitting down, enjoying tea as usual. It couldn't be seen from the far distance, but they smiled brightly waving back at you two.

"Come on, Ciel!" You called out once more.

This was nice. It felt like re-living a better year of being at the age of eight.

Much better.

You were glad to fix up a few things in your father's store.

Since he was all about learning more about humans.

You decided to make yourself look younger. By height and looks.

Was it wrong?

Because you nearly felt guilty about it. Ciel didn't know...

But you didn't want him to.

The small boy smiled as he ran up to you nearly tripping. He seemed like he was out of breath. "Ciel...are you alright?" You asked him. Looking down at his new form. He had his hands placed on his knees breathing heavily. "I'm just...out of...breath." You frowned and turned your head. Looking at a big tree. It's big branches sprawled out, green fresh leaves gathered around them, creating a massive amount of shade. "There's shade over here. You can catch your breath and cool off." You had to admit summer days like these only got the best of you. It was always so hot. But it felt nicer than always being cold...

You ran over to the tree branch and giggled climbing up onto it. Ciel walked over with you and eyed a certain spot the whole way. He finally sat down and closed his eyes. You wrapped your legs around the branch and dangled from it.

​Gazing upon the bluenette below you. You looked down beside you to notice a beautiful blue colored . There was only one. There was no other blossom around it.You extended your arms out to reach it, but it was no use. But that color. The blue. It reminded you of Ciel's eyes. His attention was on the flower now. He looked at you and let out a breathy chuckle. He sighed smiling and grabbed it for you.

"I was gonna give that to you." You shyly spoke, wishing you had grabbed it before him.

"No, you shouldn't waste such a beautiful thing on me. It deserves to be on a beautiful lady, such as yourself." Ciel took the flower and placed the stem behind your ear. The flower's color popped out. Your big smile did as well.

"Thank you..Ciel." A small hint of blush ran over your cheeks.

"You're welcome {Y/N}."

At every angle. The young boy always appeared to be attractive.



"What's that thing that adults call when they like something?"

"Uh, nice? Or appealing?"

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