Chapter Six

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You sat on the furniture sighing roughly to yourself, it sounded more like a growl. You closed your eyes and shook your head. How could you really be this stupid? Of course Lady Elizabeth was going to get herself involved somehow! It annoyed the hell out of you.

A hand was placed gently on your shoulder. You turned your head to look at the figure behind you. With no surprise it was Ciel. He made you smile slightly just at the sight of him. He had a concerned look on his face. "{Y/N}...are you alright?" You shook your head. "No, not really. I'm just extremely frustrated." You looked about the room having racing thoughts about Elizabeth. Thoughts that you didn't want to share with Ciel.

"I understand why. Elizabeth can be a bit pushy at times. But I'm sure what she said to you, she didn't want any harm." You nodded. "I know, it just...really got to me for some reason." Ciel walked around the furniture before sitting next to you. He shook his head, slightly causing his navy blue locks to move. "Well don't let it. I know Lizzy can say things a tad aggressive, especially to you. I feel like it's always been that way."

I know Lizzy can get a bit blunt at times and say things to you that may hurt, but I don't see you the way she does."

"What are you getting at, Phantomhive?"

"{Y/N}, what I'm trying to say is-

The words had reminded you of a memory that you kept from long ago. You chuckled a bit. Ciel looked at you rather confused. "What's so funny? Can't take me seriously?" He asked crossing his arms in front of him. You shook your head still smiling. "No, Ciel. A memory had just popped into my head." His tension faded. "What memory?" He asked.

"Do you remember the night when I came to sneak you out of your house?"

"Which one?" You both chuckled at his comment.

"The night when we stayed in the ally, it wasn't anything too fancy. But it was dark, and cold. So we sat next to each other to keep warm. I wanted to tell you something that night, but I was too afriad. I didn't have anything to talk about. But Ciel, it's always been nice just being by you. Even if we don't have any sort of communication going on."

"I enjoy being around you as well, {Y/N}."

You let out a sigh leaning your head back onto the brick wall. "{Y/N}, if I didn't want to be here then I would've informed you. But I want to, I enjoy being around you. You're one of the most amazing people I've ever met."

"Oh please." You rolled your eyes, thankful that the darkness was hiding your smile.

"Oh please," you rolled your eyes, "from what I've gotten at so far is that you enjoy being alone."

"What makes you so sure?"

"You're more sophisticated, formal," you paused for a moment, "you're too anomalist." You shook your head failing to describe the Earl.

"Well, Miss {Y/L/N}. I'm going to inform you of one thing."

"And what would that be, Lord Phantomhive?"

"I enjoyed what happened that night as much as you did."

"No, I'm serious. I know Lizzy can get a bit blunt at times and say things to you that may hurt, but I don't see you the way she does."

"What are you getting at, Phantomhive?"

"{Y/N}, what I'm trying to say is-" Ciel shook his head rapidly not being able to control his urge for a task he had been ordering himself to do for quite some time. His lips passionately met with {Y/N}'s. Luckily...

A squeal with widening eyes came from the {Blonde, Brunette, ect..}. But she kissed back. The kiss ended rather quickly when Ciel's hidden blush, along with {Y/N}s formed on their faces.


The blunette felt like bursting into tears. He almost felt awful.

"Lady Elizabeth..."

"I know...shame on me for not keeping my loyalty." Ciel hid his face in his palms. "I'm sorry {Y/N}, I couldn't help myself." You smiled holding him close. "'s alright. I you too." You stated hesitantly not wanting him to react badly. You heard Ciel chuckle in a slight sob. "Good."

You blushed. "Oh, that part."

"You didn't forget, did you?" Ciel smirked shaking his head. "That would be a shame if you did."

"No, Phantomhive, I didn't forget. How could I?" A smile formed onto your lips. Your eyes now locked into the You wanted to lean closer but the thought of someone walking in on the lovely scene you had imagined would only lead to a detestable future.

"Ciel. Lady Elizabeth is lucky to have someone such as yourself." You smiled as his expression turned into a more of a shocked look. You gave no expression of the sort back, you only kept the pleasant look on your face. Ciel looked down chuckling nervously. "Right...I guess she is."

His voice had trailed off along with his eyes. The blue seemed to take over him. Taking him into a deep blue sea of his own. An ocean of tears that he would never let escape. He seemed to be drowning in them. Not being able to swim back up from the feelings and emotions he was unable to express. He choked on them, needing the help of oxygen to be able to say what he needed to say. But it was clear like the sky that was held above the sea, he was far from getting the breath he needed to take. 

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