Chapter Nine

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You were sitting at the table, across from Ciel. Whom had been sitting by Elizabeth. A big sigh left your mouth once you checked the time. Knowing that you would be leaving in at least an hour.

Sebastian placed the full plates in front of each of you. Looking at each of you strangely, finding it odd that you all hadn't said a word. The silence made it awkward and you didn't want to be the first to break it.

"Ciel! I almost forgot to tell you!"

Elizabeth began, hm, shocker.

"My family and I are going on a holiday here in April. I believe on the seventeenth. It's a three week voyage to New York! We're traveling on a luxury liner. My father is letting you come along too, isn't that delightful!"

Ciel kept his eyes locked into hers, still processing all the information. "U-Uh. Yes. But I will have to check my schedule before hand, to make sure I can even go."

Elizabeth giggled. "I'm already so excited!"

You hadn't said anything. But. A three week voyage? On the seventeenth.

Which is only a few days away.

You sighed.

Well I guess you won't be seeing Ciel until the end of the month.

Elizabeth can just have him all to himself like she's been wanting.

Whatever, don't think so negatively.

Ciel will be back sooner than you know it.

And you still had a few days to be with him until then.

If that is he still wants to be with you.

He's been acting strange.

You felt like you had done something.

You tried to back track everything that you have said but, you didn't remember anything that could've come off as rude.

You cleared your throat standing up, grabbing everyone's attention.

"I uh- I should probably get home now." You said, looking at Ciel.

"Thank you, I loved being here."

"{Y/N}, wait."

You began to walk out, ignoring Ciel.

You lead yourself all the way out, keeping your eyes down.

Finnian noticed you. "Oi! {Y/N}! Heading home so soon?"

You ignored him, jumping the gate as if no one would think anything of it.

Although you left Finny at an awkward state, by ignoring him.

You decided to take the short cut, not in the mood to run into a lot of people.

"God! How stupid am I to fall in love with an Earl that's already engaged?! He doesn't even know I'm a reaper, so if I do tell him, he will sure as hell stay far away from me."

A low chuckle was heard around you. You gasped and turned immediately.

"Who's there!" You yelled.

"Having some love problems I see~"

You knew that voice.

"Grell. What do you want?" You rose a brow crossing your arms in front of you waiting for the red-headed reaper to present himself.

"Hm, nothing really. I just heard you along the way so I decided to stop by."

"How wonderful." You sarcastically stated.

"But!," Grell jumped right in front of you, "I can help you out."

"What do you mean?"

"I know you're going through a hard time." He brushed his long hair behind his back before adjusting his glasses.

"You mean to tell me you were spying on me?!"

"I wouldn't say that, I would just say that I overheard a few things." He gave you a quick wink, which you hadn't reacted to.

"I don't want anything to do with you, just - get out of my way."

You pushed him away as you walked passed him.

He gasped dramatically. "How dare you touch me in such a way!"

"I couldn't care any less, Sutcliff."

Eventually you had made it back to the funeral parlor, walking inside the dark building. "Father. I -"

The building was half empty. Where were all the coffins?

"Where is all the coffins?" You asked seeing Undertaker adjusting a few things on the shelves.

"Being moved." He simply stated.

"Being mo- What? Why?"

"Business trip. They all had to be moved today."

"Father, you never informed me of anything about a business trip. Where are you planning on going?"

"From what I believe it is called...America."

You gasped.

"My family and I are going on a holiday here in April. I believe on the seventeenth. It's a three week voyage to New York! We're traveling on a luxury liner. My father is letting you come along too, isn't that delightful!"

Isn't New York in America.

"W-When do you leave?" You awkwardly stuttered.

"The seventeenth, I'm traveling by ship."

You wanted to scream out of happiness and excitement.

"Oh Father!" You dashed over to Undertaker, wrapping your arms around him, trying not to ruin his attire. "This will be so much -"

"I have everything you need to do while I'm gone."

You paused. "Huh?"

"Mhm~ Everything is written down on here. Just stay inside and don't let anyone in. Simple as that."

"But father I-"

"I really do appreciate the wonderful help."

He opened the door to the basement that you guys had, you kept it hidden in the corner, where most things were crowded..

You actually thought that you wouldn't have to be so far away from Ciel. This was your chance. But just like everything goes, it all just gets taken away.

"Still don't want anything to do with me~?"

Grell's unexpected voice didn't startle you.

"No, I change my mind." 

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