Chapter Fifteen

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"It seems it's steadied now." Stoker stated. "What was that?" Ciel asked looking up, "Did we hit something?" A loud rumbling noise came roaring into the area, catching everyone's attention. Water came gushing out of the cracks of the walls. Knocking everyone off their feet. The alarm bell went off alerting everyone. "The doors will close on us!" You yelled, getting back onto your feet.

"Hurry! You'll be trapped down here!" A man yelled once he saw you and the two others remaining far behind. "Lizzie!" The girl stood up onto her feet, holding her dress slightly up. "Y-Yes! I'm coming!" A man quickly grabbed Ciel, pulling him back. "C'mon! It's too late for her kid!" The blunette extended his arm out, reaching out for the girl. "Lizzie!"

"Ciel!" She cried.

The door closed.

You pushed yourself through the water, holding onto Lizzie with your one free arm. You both looked up. "Ciel! You came back!"

"I promised that I would protect you, didn't I?"

He grabbed Elizabeth's hand. "Snake!" He yelled, "you and the others go straight on ahead!"

"Ciel. Look!" You pointed to a ladder that would hopefully lead you all to safety. "We will be okay. Alright, Snake? We will go through the ducts!"

You made sure that the two teens remained in front of you. Elizabeth went up the added first, soon followed by Ciel and you. Once you made it back onto your feet Ciel undid the vent. "Here we are, you'll need to take off your frock, Elizabeth." The lady turned herself away from the earl, gasping. "No!"

"Don't be a fool! You're skirt will only get in the way while you're in there!"

"No, Ciel! I promised myself that whatever happened I would always be adorable for you!"

Ciel gritted his teeth as he angrily ripped Elizabeth's dress open from the back. She screamed throwing herself onto the ground, hugging herself tightly as she began to cry. You glared at Ciel after seeing the state that he had put her in. You stepped in front of the crying teen and slapped Ciel across the face. "You bastard! Why would you do that to her? You never treat a lady in such a harsh way! If anyone is the fool here it's you, Ciel!"

Ciel furrowed his brows, pointing down to the shaking girl. "Don't you see? If she dies she'll never be able to wear any of her favorite dresses again, did you hear that Lizzie?! If either of you die, it's the end! Of everything!"

You sighed, turning around. Helping Lizzie up as she wiped her tears away. "You're right. I'm being silly." She spoke. Ciel took off his small black tail-coat and wrapped it around Lizzie. "It'll be alright." You slightly smiled. Elizabeth looked at each of you. "I'm sorry. For acting so stubborn." Ciel smiled as well. "And I'm sorry for acting so boorishly. To both of you."

You saw the water begin to rise at your guys' level. "Lets go."


"How many more of these filthy smelly creatures are there?" Grell asked, thrashing the sharp blades of his scythe into the heads of the corpses. "What do you say we leave it at that, eh? We've done enough. {Y/N} could manage to help us soon. After all, the ship will sink in less than an hour. It wouldn't hurt for her to do a few."


"Are we almost there?" You asked, growing tired of being in the back. "Yes, I'm sure of it. Now we just need to find Sebastian an -"

Elizabeth screamed once as Ciel fell through one of the vents. "Sebastian?!" " Where have you been?" You heard Ciel yell. He wasn't hurt?

"I apologize for my tardiness, my lord. It won't happen again."

You and Lizzie peaked out from the open vent. "You three are uninjured, correct?"

"Yes! Ciel protected me, just as he promised." Lizzie looked at you with grateful smile. "{Y/N} Did as well!"

She got down with the help of Sebastian.

"And what of the others?" Ciel asked as you got out of the vent yourself.

"Unharmed, my lord. They sent me to find you. Now, the crew is readying the life boats as we speak." The butler began to lead the three of you out of the room. "Let's hurry up onto the deck."

Everyone paused once they heard a loud and blazing noise. Sparks began to light up and flash upon the cieling.

Before all of your eyes you all stared in shock at the two new figures in the room. You pushed everyone back, eyeing the two familiar reapers.

"{Y/N}...I found you ~" Grell looked up, soon seeing Sebastian. "I guess I've stumbled upon you as well, hottie~"

"Grell Sutcliff." Ciel growled, glaring hard at the red haired reaper.

"Hi Sebas-Chan!" Grell yelled obnoxiously walking over to the demon butler, "it must be fate for us to come across like this again!"

"I doubt that."

"Ah! So cold!" Grell teased the demon.

You furrowed your brows. "You just so happen to come at this very moment don't you? Listen, I loved how you helped me and all, Grell, but don't you have work to do? "

"Yes, I suppose it do. But even so, you do as well. You found your little lover brat and now it's time to get back to work."

"I have other things to kill! if I let those walking corpses get to the other souls before you I know for a fact William wouldn't be happy with you!"

"{Y/N}, let's just go our ways and leave the disgusting pervert to himself."

Grell gasped and roared up his scythe. "How rude of you!" He charged at all of you, leaving you to have no choice but to fight back with your own scythe.

Ronald came after Sebastian, now leaving him to it while Ciel lead Elizabeth out of the room.

Grell had you against the wall. "Betraying your own kind, {Y/N}? How revolting!" Grell sent his scythe at you, quickly; you jumped out of the area in time. But instead of Grell getting you, he made a cut in the ships wall.

Everyone stopped and turned their gaze towards Grell, watching him collapse onto the ground from the gushing water that made its way through the crack.

"Ciel! Lizzie! Go!" You yelled, watching them run out of the room.

Without Ciel seeing what was beneath him; he tripped and fell, twisting his leg. "Ciel!"

You saw Grell crawling before you, glaring at you with his glowing green eyes. " You still care about that brat? Even though he doesn't care for you? " Grell chuckled. "How pathetic."

You furrowed your brows. "And I can say the same about you." You thrashed your scythe at the reaper, but missed when he had rolled over and got back to his feet.

" Sebastian! Get Ciel! " You yelled, keeping Grell back. without further ado Sebastian ran to Ciel, but once again was stopped by Ronald.

"Come on!" You yell; growing frustrated.

"Didn't lose your focus, did you?" Ronald taunted.

Ciel looked up; seeing Elizabeth a few feet away from him - and the walking corpses, coming up from behind her.

"Look out!" You cried, trying to get closer.

"Elizabeth! Run, now! "

Elizabeth looked behind her, growing intense fear when she saw them walking to her. Ciel pointed his gun at them, shooting them in the head - but there was too many. Ciel ran out of bullets. "Damn!"

"Ciel...I'm sorry.. " Elizabeth began. "I just wanted to be there for you. I - I always wanted to be adorable until the very end...But I've failed..I'm sorry."

"Lizzie!" No, you couldn't lose her. You punched Grell in the face, as well as Sebastian had kicked Ronald right in the gut; the two of you ran towards Elizabeth as the corpses surrounded her.

It was too late.

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