Chapter Twenty

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You watched the three begin to attack the figure that you were once proud to call family. There were so many emotions being thrown at you in just one whole day and you didn't even know if you could keep your whole self together. You watched the scene happen, almost beginning to panic, you've never felt this way before. You couldn't have your mind make up a decision. Ciel placed his gloved hand on the side of your face, making him face you. His expression seemed serious - yet still on the calm side. "Oi," the teen began, "If only you had told me before hand." You closed your eyes and let out a small whimper, "I know, Ciel. I know. It was dumb for me not to tell you anything, but how do you think I felt that day when you suddenly disappeared?"

The Earl parted his lips, almost in need of saying something. But - he couldn't manage to. You let your (e/c) eyes stare straight into his one blue eye, almost feeling as if you were being taken into a trance. All those years, have you been lying to the one that you loved most? It wasn't fair. How could you have told him? You two were so young...yet so much love was being tossed around and thrown into your relationship.

The blue haze that danced around in your sight began to lose its color - as for another began to take over. A lime green. You knew exactly what the color belonged to. You turned your focus towards Undertaker, watching him as he was revealing something you thought he never would have.

"Impossible!" You heard Grell yell from across the room.

Undertaker smiled grimfully and gently glazed his long black finger nails along the sharp end of the larger and more frightening appearing scythe.

Ronald grunted and furrowed his brows before pushing his glasses back into place. "A reapers scythe is confiscated after they have chosen to retire!"

"We've been together for a long time, I didn't have the guts to part with it. Although, I admit, retrieving it wasn't that easy." The reaper let out a soft eerie chuckle. "It seems that the tables have turned, haven't they? And the hunters have become the hunted." The male rose the scythe high, eyeing Ronald and Grell as they lay pathetically on the ground.

"I'm after you now."

After these words were spoken Undertaker had jumped to the bottom level, sending off green sparks as he slid across the floor at an inhuman speed. Making Grell and Ronald gasp and struggle to get back onto their feet.

Undertaker hit the scythe on the ground hard enough to cause the two individuals fly across the room. Destruction was now being created in the acts, walls crashing down - the ceiling began to fall apart.

Ciel grabbed you and held you close to him, closing his eye as major packs of dust went flying about the room. "Ciel." You spoke. The earl only shook his head. "No, I won't let you go. You have to stay in my reach. No matter what!"

"No matter what you say?" Undertaker smiled and had grabbed the you by your clothing, yanking you away from Ciel roughly. You dropped your scythe on the floor - now having an impossible reach to grab it.

Your eyes widened as you gasped, feeling uncomfortable and overwhelmed due to how close the reapers face was to yours.

"I've been dreaming of putting the earl in one of my coffins for so long, and you've done an excellent job of keeping yourself attached to him...haven't you? If he was near you he was near me too, don't you see?" He looked down at your attire, bringing his free hand into your pocket. He pulled out a necklace that you've always kept on you. "This keeps your reaper side unless I just smash it into a million pieces, correct? But..if I do'll only be half human. And you'll continue to slowly die."

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