(Pt. 1) Fallen

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(y/n) stretched and hunched over the coffee table, wrapping a pair of iridescent wings wrapped around her small frame. She grabbed the mug sitting secluded in a cleared-out spot and brought the cup full of coffee to her lips, expecting to taste the warm liquid. Instead, the cold taste of French vanilla rested on her taste buds.

"And the coffee is cold again. Mark that the third time tonight." After carefully placing the mug back down, she continued typing into the night.

It wasn't until her tummy growled that she decided a break was needed. While rummaging through the kitchen, she barely caught a glance of herself through the dirty stainless steel fridge. A set of tired (e/c) eyes stared back, barely peeking through the (h/c) locks. She pulled the short dreadlocks into a ponytail, leaving a bit out to cover up a white splotch on her forehead. The white patches on her (s/t) skin were all over, but her face made her self-aware of it.

She grinned and continued to dig through cabinets. Finally, she found a Lucy glow apple in the back of the fridge. She bit into it with a smile and returned to reheat the coffee.

The microwave beeps a minute later, accompanied by a phone ringing. (y/n) answered the phone with a yawn and set the coffee down in the workspace.

"(y/n)! Did you see the invite I sent you?"

She took a bite of the apple and scrolled through the messages but found no invite.

"No. Was it to a rave again? You know I have finals to study for."

The female on the other end gasped in shock. "What! I thought you dropped out just for me. I'd be bored being an analytical student anyways. Tell me why you do it again. To abandon your best friend?"

(y/n) sighed. "No, Saki, I want to change this place. For people like me especially. It's hard for us here, and this is how I can do it."

"Ugh! I'd like you to party with me sometimes! I'm so lonely without you!"

(y/n) took another bite of the apple, waiting for the self-delusional rant to finish. But, of course, it ended when the apple core was left in a trashcan.

She sipped the warm coffee, enjoying its flavor.

"Come on! You're the best Steki there is! Just take "'em' by the junk!"

(y/n) spit the coffee onto the term notes, almost throwing the phone.

"Did... did you just spit?"

"Yes, I did. Because you, bitch."

Saki giggled, "sorry, okay, sleep, love you, bye!" And the girl clicked off. (y/n) chuckled. She put on some lo-fi to help but tried concentrating and continued working.

The project consumed all attention until something soft rubbed against the gray sweatpants. (y/n) sighed, taking a puppy into her arms.

He huffed, settling into her lap. "You said it. I think this paper might kill me." Working on this paper had been a nightmare. One sentence was written only to be deleted because it didn't work with the professor's format.

She rubbed behind Lumin's floppy ear, "Maybe you can tell me, Lumin? How would you define the presence of opposite/similar abilities in a relationship, and how would it affect the outcome?"

The dog's mouth closed while his head tilted with confusion. "Even the dog doesn't know what the professor meant!" (y/n) chuckled, "what do you say, Lumin, break time?"

He transitioned from confused to full-on excited--jumping off and bolting over to the door, scratching at it.

Finally, sheld on a second there, buddy."

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