1. Pizza or salad ?

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'This place is getting more huge' I thought while looking around.

There were bunch of people walking towards the registration counter. I hesitately joined the long line of students . I looked behind to see  my mom waiting for me there patiently. I told her to not follow me but she still treats me like a child. Like a 4 year old who was just getting to a kindergarten. A huge smile was curved over her face. A proud and happy smile. 'Sure, she was happy. She wanted me to be here. To study medicine. I am already have a bad feeling about this. What if i failed? What if i disappointed her at some point?'. I am currently in second year of medschool and the thought of failing still haunts me.

After registering my details , i walked to my mother and we waited at the lobby to get my room key. Every year, the students have to change their rooms and will get a roomate randomly. Last year, my roomate was Patricia and she was great. We are not close friends, but she helped me alot to get through my first year in medschool. My best friends are Clint and Eleanor and currently, they are dating.

After a while, all the students were given  keys to their respective rooms. My mother helped me to clean the room and set things up.

"Hey, Tasha" a girl greeted  and entered my room. A couple followed her from behind, perhaps her parents.

"Looks like we are roomates!" she squeked.

Oh no ! Not her. Ughh, Cathy. Catherina is the most talkative girl in my class. She is not mean or a bully
She was just ... well,annoying. I don't entirely understand what she was so excited about but i already had a feeling that we are not going to be good friends. After some time, our parents left. My mom gave me a long hug and a kiss in my forehead before she left.. And with a lot of dos and don'ts. Well, growing up in a brown family is the most difficult thing ever.

"Are you excited for tomorrow? Our first day of class. I bet it will be so amazing and im going to make friends with our juniors" Cathy said as we both walking back to our room after sent off our parents.

"Of course you will" i rolled my eyes and whispered to myself.

"What?" she asked.

"Nothing. Um, hey do you want to go grab some food? Im starving" i said, trying to change the topic.


All the way to the cafetaria, Cathy literally talked to herself. I barely paid any attention to what she was saying. My mind was mixed up with a lot of thoughts and stuffs. I wanted to persuade my studies in accounting. But, my mom did not approve it and now, i ended up in some college which was way far from home, studying one of the hardest course. I didn't want to be a doctor. I never wanted to be one at the first place. It was my mom's dream, not mine. If dad had been here, he would've stop her from pushing me into fulfilling her dreams.

"Hey ,are you listening to me?" i snapped from my thought when Cathy shouted at my face.

"Uh.. Yeahh. Yeahh, i was totally listening to you" i lied.

"So, what do u want? Pizza or salad?" she asked me while holding each one in her hands.

"Salad will do" i told. After we bought the food, we went back to our room and it was already 10pm. We had a small conversation and this time, i really listened to her. We finally said our goodnights and went to bed.

'God, whatever it is, please don't make tomorrow as a bad day' i prayed before i dozed off.

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