13. Cheesy romantic sentences

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"You guys are together now?" Clint shrieked. We were sitting in the cafe and i decided to tell the big news to them.

"Omg, guys! i am so happy for you" Eleanor screamed in excitement.

"Guys, keep it low. No one knows about it" i whispered at them. Elijah and i decided to keep this as a secret and we don't anyone in the campus to know. We only told Eleanor and Clint. They rolled their eyes and said "whatever".

"We could go on double date after this. Im seriously excited right now" Eleanor still shrieking. Elijah and i just smiled at their reactions, holding each other hands. Later that day, Elijah brought us to his new apartment to pay a visit. The aparment's interior was so beautiful and it was painted in emerald green. It was huge enough for a family to stay. Upon entering the apartment, Eleanor and Clint were so carried away that they ran around the house straight away to check out the rest of the place. While, Elijah and i walked towards the balcony. The view was so mesmerizing and i was stunned by it.

"This place is so great" i heard Clint screaming from afar. Both of us laughed from his tone of excitement.

"Its so beautiful from here" i commented.

"Not as beautiful as what im looking at right now. Hey, i think something is wrong with my eyes.. because, i can't take them off you" he replied with a im-trying-so-hard-to-be-romance tone. For a second, i thought he was possessed by some kind of love demon. Elijah never talked like that before. I looked at him with a weird look. He was getting nervous by my look.


"What are you trying to do?"

"I am trying to be a... romantic person"

"Nope. You sounded more like an alien trying to propose to a human" i said in between my laughs.

"What does that even mean?" he asked, blinking.

"I don't know. You sounded so cheesy. And please don't do that anymore" i laughed at him. Elijah's expression was so hurtful and i quickly stopped laughing. "Im sorry", i said, trying so hard to not laugh.

"I was just trying to be a more romantic person for you" Elijah pouted, looking away from me. I smiled at him and hugged from the side.

"Hey, You don't have to change yourself for me and you certainly don't have to be a romantic person to impress me. I like the Elijah who made me laugh 24/7, who had a great sense of humor, who was always there for me. You're little crazy and awkward sometimes and your smile alone can make my day... And your hair. Gosh, I loveeeee your hair, like alot" i said while playing with his hair like his hair was some kind of stress ball to me. Elijah laughed and screamed in pain because i was pulling his hair a little bit hard. We sat on the balcony, still laughing. "Besides, i don't like guy who use cheesy romantic sentences. Im sorry, but it disgusts me little bit. Ughhh" i said with vomiting gesture.

"What? I thought girls like it" Elijah chuckled.

"Not me" i said, laughing. We sat there with our fingers intertwined.

"Tash, thank you for this. I had a huge crush on you for a year and i never thought we will end up like this. I always look at you from far, hoping one day, you will notice me back. It took me a year to find enough courage to talk to you. I will thank God everyday to put you into my life. You showed what does it feel like to finally be loved. There were many nights where i couldn't sleep, thinking why does my parents never loved me like i wanted. I also never had a lot of friends before i met you. You changed me to be a better person. You make me wanted to smile everyday. You make me happy, Tash" he said, looking at me.

Aww. This guy is making me to fall for him even harder. I smiled at him widely and rest my head at his shoulders. "I promise you everything are going to be fine. We will figure out the solutions for our problems together. You and me" i said, holding his hands stronger. I felt Elijah's nodding as his head was resting on my head. I don't know for how long we had been in that position until Eleanor interrupted us.

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