15. Black Cat, you idiot

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'Its already been three days. Are you ready to our ghosthunting adventure?' i texted Elijah. I was lying on the bed in the other room at Elijah's apartment. Elijah's apartment was now crowded with Clint, Eleanor and me. We all moved here after Elijah asked us. He said he doesn't want to stay at his house anymore because his parents keep fighting with each other almost everyday. And, he doesn't want to stay alone at his new plave. Since then, the apartment became so noisy that some of the neighbours complained. My thought was interrupted with a 'ding' from my phone.

'I am bornt ready. Tonight?' he replied. I scoffed his text. I can tell that he wasn't ready yet, but he didn't have any choice right now because the deadline of the project was getting closer. And, we had to finish it as soon as possible.

'Okay >< ' i replied. I put my phone away and lied on my side. I saw Eleanor who was snoring like a motorbike. After we decided on being roomates, me and Eleanor shared a bedroom and Clint and Elijah shared one. I decide to sleep awhile as there is a long night waiting for me.


"You can't go, Tash" i heard Betty's voice from afar. I am standing in the middle of nowhere by myself. Dark surrounded me. It was like i am in a black, dark void. There was no light except for the place im standing. I screamed Betty's name and it echoed through the void.

"You can't go. You can't protect anyone. Please" Betty continued. I only could hear her voice.

"What do you mean?" i said, getting anxious.

"You are going to regret this for your whole life. Please, don't go" she kept saying that and i didn't understand anything.

"Betty, I am sorry. I couldn't help you. I couldn't protect you. But, You have to go. I can't live like this anymore" tears started to drop from my eyes.

"Tash, this is not about me. I want to help you. And, i will leave you soon. Just, don't go there. if you go, then.. you will lose him" she said.

"Who?" i sniffed.


And with that, all i could hear was Betty's screaming and the sound of a fast moving car. I ran without a direction in the void in hope to help her. I finally gave up and sat there, sobbing. And, i could feel the dark engulfing me.. slowly...


I woke up from the sleep with a sweaty face and shirt. I was breathing frantically and my heart was pumping the blood even faster. What the hell did i just dreamt? Weird. I don't understand anything. Betty just kept warning me and all she said was 'don't go there'. And, Elijah. I remembered she mentioned Elijah's name. What does that all supposed to mean?

I heard vigorous knocking on the door. I get up from my bed and walked lazily towards the door.

"Good evening, your highness. Are you ready for our adventure together?" Elijah greeted me with a knight voice. He even put his hands on his hip and raised his chin. I laughed and punched him in his stomach. He cried in pain while holding his abdomen.

"Oww. What was that for?"

"Nothing" i laughed. He shaked his head and chuckled.

"Lets go" he pulled my hands. Suddenly, Betty's warning came to my mind. 'Don't go there'. What if this is what she is trying to warn me? Going to the haunted building.

"Hey, can we go there another day?" i asked casually. I don't want him to know.

"What, why? We are already late, Tash. We need to write and edit the report. It is going to take a lot of time" he explained. After a few moments, he looked at me suspiciously and smirked. "Or, are you scared?"

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