14. Be My Roomate

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Tasha's pov :

I woke straight up from my sleep, panting for my breath. Sweat poured down all over my body. Why? After i thought everything is finally going fine, why i had the same dream? What does that mean to fall in dark pit and never found an exit?

"Tash, are you okay?" someone asked me in the dark. I am not quite sure where am i, so i looked around the room. I was scared if im still trapped in the nightmare. The room was dark and i couldn't see light. My airway starting to narrow more. I was panting for breath even harder.

"Hey, hey, its okay, its me. Elijah" he said while switching on the table lamp. I saw his panicked face and relieved to see him. At least, i knew that im not falling down the pit. But, my panting was not slowing down at all.

"My...med...medicine" i tried to speak despite the difficulty. Elijah nodded in panic and ran to get my medicine. He quickly gave me one and i swallowed it. After a while, i was getting better. Elijah sighed in relief and sat beside me.

"Same dream, uh?" he asked.

"I don't understand. Why am i still having that dream? I thought everything was going okay. I-" i didn't realize that i was actually sobbing. Elijah hugged me and calmed me down.

"Hey, its okay. We are going to figure it out. Together. Don't worry. I always will be here for you" he said in fatherly tone. That thought make me sob even more. Elijah gently stroked my hair and hugged me tighter. Surprisingly, it did calm me down.

"You remind me of my dad" i pulled away from him and wiped my eyes.

"Is that a compliment or.. ?" he asked. I chuckled and sniffed.

"You know, for a long time, i blamed his death on me too. Until, i opened up to my mom about it and she helped me to get over that feeling. She helped me to figure out that it wasn't my fault and i finally did let him go. I felt like a large burden was taken from my body. This happened when i went  back home uninformed that day" i told him and Elijah nodded in understand. "But, i am not sure why that doesn't happen with Betty. I mean, i told you about her and i really thought it was over. Like, i finally can be freed from that guilty feeling. But, the fact that im still having that nightmare.. something doesn't feel right. Do you think she is trying to tell me something?".

"I am not sure about that, Tash. But, im pretty sure that you are not ready to let her go. You thought you did, but then, why are you still keeping her friendship ring?" he said.

He was right. I still have her ring. Does that mean im still stucked with the past memories? I am not ready to move on and that was a fact. I realized what was my problem.

"You don't want to forget Betty, Tash. You are just saying it, but you don't mean it. Deep down, you don't want her memories to fade. You don't want Betty to just be a past. But, Tash, you have to do it. Its for the best for both of you. You can't keep her, Tash" Elijah continued. He was totally right. I took a deep breath and exhaled. I have to do this. I have throw this ring away.  I nodded at Elijah and gave him a determined smile.

"And, why i am in your room?" i asked, wiping away the dried tears.

"Ohh, ohh, that. Um, you had fallen asleep on my chest... I mean, on the couch. And, i.. brought you here.. so that, we can.. i mean, you can sleep. I swear, i was not going to do anything" Elijah panicked and put his hands on the air. I chuckled, admiring his cuteness.

"Relax. I didn't say anything" i said, lying back. He blushed and scratched his neck.

"I really feel like Betty is trying to tell me something" i said, looking at the ceiling.

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