3. Some feelings

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The rest of the day went pretty fine. Elijah and i even exchanged our numbers and i did get to know him better.

When i stepped into my room, a strong cologne smell filled the room. You see, i have a weird habit of not liking cologne smell. It always gave me headache. I saw Cathy dancing in front of the mirror while getting ready for somewhere. Her clothes were all over the place, some were even on my bed.

"Oh my god, Cathy"i said while walking carefully into the room, trying to not step on her clothes. I sounded like a duck because i was pinching my nose so that the smell won't enter my lungs and made me more uncomfortable. She chuckled and looked at me with a 'what' look . I sighed, eyeing her the piles of clothes on my bed.

"Ops, sorry about that" she said and took her clothes from my bed.

"Are you going somewhere?" i asked.

"Yes, there is a party at Martin's house. You wanna come?" she asked me. I looked at her with an unbelievable look. She is crazy. I mean, she just got into this college yesterday and she had been already invited to a party?

"Who is Martin?" .

"Oh, he is a third year student. Me and him are in the same class for acting. He is throwing a party at his house. He invited me and the whole class. How generous is that ? Ahh, you should had seen him. He is so handsome and he looked like an angel...Or more like a handsome devil. Because he kind of have that evil smile too. Hmm, now im having a confusion" she was staring at the ceiling pointlessly for 10 minutes straight. I rolled my eyes and tried to stop her from whatever she was thinking. But everytime i opened my mouth, she waved her finger,shutting me up. I sighed and sat on my bed, waiting her to speak.

"Anways, are you coming?" she finally spoke.

"No" i answered.

"No? What do you mean by no?". Now, she was looking me with an unbelievable look.

"No means no. I am not interested to come to a party throwing by a senior. Honestly, i even surprised that you are going. Won't you feel uncomfortable ..or weird?" i shrugged my shoulders.

"Weird? Why would i feel weird? Im going to enjoy this party and get drunk and dance my heart out!" she exclaimed.

"And you shall come to. It will be fun. Come on, please, come on. Comeeee onnnn" she started to scream and jumped up and down.

"Cathy, what are you doing? Shhhh. You are going to disturb other people" i panicked a little bit. I didn't want to be in any trouble because of my roomate who was literally acting like a 6 year old.

"No. Im not gonna stop until you agree to come with me " she continued to scream.

"Cathy,shhh. Oh my god. okay, okay. Fine, im coming. Just stop it already" i gave up just to shut her mouth.

"But promise me that you won't leave me or won't get drunk until you fall asleep there". Im already pretty tired on that day, and the last thing i wanted to do was dragging my drunk roomate from a stupid college party.

"I promise" she put both her hands in the air.

"Now, let's get you ready" she clapped her hands together.

"What do you mean? Look, Cathy. Im not wearing any clothes that shows my skin too much, okay" i said. Its not that im not comfortable with my body. This party was in a complete stranger house and that shit makes me uncomfortable.

"All right. Fine. Just don't end up wearing sweatpants" she told me and walked away to get ready.


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