12. More alive now

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Tasha's pov:

"Hey"i greeted while walking towards Elijah. It was 8pm and i asked him to meet me at the top floor of the library. Our library opens until 12am for students who wanted to revise and do researches. The top floor has a perfect view of the entire college and usually, there won't be a lot of students at there at this time. It was only me and Elijah at there today.

He was facing the view and he greeted back without looking back. "Hai". His voice was so down and not cheerful as always. I walked slowly, thinking how am i going to start the conversation. I stood right beside him. The view was perfect and beautiful that day. Everything looked so peaceful from up here, but not for both us. The tension between us was getting more stronger when no one dare to talk first.

"Beautiful view, uh?" i cleared my throat.

"Hmm" Elijah nodded slowly.

I took a deep breath before i said, "Look Elijah. I know things are little bit awkward between us now. But, i wanted to say that im really sorry for not informing you earlier about me-going-home thing. And, i am also very sorry to not reply to any of your texts or calls. I know that you were worried of me and it is my fault. I just.." i sighed, "i just don't want to lose you because of this small thing. You had been avoiding us for past one week. And, i know there is something else bothering you. You can tell me.. if you want. But, please don't leave us. We still need you. I.. need you" i whispered the last part. In this one week, i realized how much i needed Elijah in my life. He completes me. And everytime he walked away from me, i feel one part of me is going away. It hurts.

"Im the one who had to apologize to you, Tash. Im really sorry that i overeacted. Its not your fault at all. Its just.. i had alot going in my mind that time. And, i didn't avoid you guys because i was angry on you. I needed some time to myself to digest everything that was happening around me" he explained, looking down. I was relieved that he didn't avoid us because of me. I was literally living in regret for one week. But, i wanted to know what can possibly turn the happy-go-lucky Elijah into a sad Elijah.

"Hey, you can talk to me you know" i said while putting my hand onto his arm. He finally looked at me and i could see his watery eyes. I was shocked because Elijah never ever tear up before. He is best known to his happily ever after character. "What happened?" i asked in sympathy.

He sniffed, but still not letting his tears to roll down. He sighed and continued, "My parents... are getting divorced.. "

"What?" Ohh, poor Elijah. I felt so pity on him. He once told me his biggest dream was to spend an entire day with his parents. Now, he will never get to do that. That thought made me even more sad and i squeezed softly his arm. He nodded softly, looking at the view.

"Yes. They told me on the day you were gone. They said their marriage was falling apart after 25 years. They said they didn't feel the love anymore. So, they are getting a divorce. But.. the next day, i found out that my dad was actually cheating on my mom and she get to know about it and applied for divorce. She also told me they would've still divorced even if my dad didn't cheat on her. The crazy part was they bought me an apartment two years ago, like they had been planning this divorce for a long time" he told me.

I was speechless. Even i don't understand entirely why his parents getting divorced. A guilt feeling splashed all over me. He was already devastated with the news of his parents getting divorce and i worried him more. No wonder he was so angry when i told him why i left in hurry to home.

"That's why i overeacted when you told us why you disappeared. I had alot going on in my mind that day. I couldn't think properly and i always was in an angry mood the whole week. That was the reason why i avoided talking to people last week. And why i avoided you guys. I just needed my own time to think and to accept the fate. All i needed was to my parents to love me like other parents do with their kids. And, i really can't believe that i would never feel that. They even bought me a house, like asking me to get away from them as soon as possible. It took me alot of time to accept all of that. And, now im okay... a little bit" he continued. His expression was so sad that i wanted to hug him all day.

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