23. Happily Ever After

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"I love you, Tash"

I was stunned at my place. I can't trust my own ears right now. Elijah just said the words that i had been dying to hear since the day i saw him at the hallway. I studied his face once more if he was just playing with me but he was clearly not. His eyes were locked with mine and he was holding both of my hands.

"What?" i asked. Just in case.

"I love you, Tash" he said it again with a sott chuckle.

"But, I-" i was so confused that how could he still love me after what i had done to him. I was a bad girlfriend and i avoided for almost a month. But, he still loves me. Do i really deserve this?

"Hey, listen. I know things were so complicated between us lately. We didn't talk or see each other for almost a month and i freaking missed you. Alot, Tash. And do you know what i learnt from that? I couldn't live without you. I need you to be on my side always. I couldn't even think what would actually happen if you left me for real. And, i don't want that to happen because if it happens, then.. i don't know what will i do. I know this might sound a bit clichè, but you complete me, Tash. I realized how much i love you and i wanted to say this to you from the day you disappeared from my life. I love you, Tasha" he said.

I was speechless. Elijah was so loyal and a great boyfriend. Even though, i had been dying to hear him say i love you to me, but at this moment, i realized that i don't deserve his love. I felt so guilty of my mistakes and he was not even a bit mad at me.

"Elijah, i dont know what to say. You are too nice and kind but.. but i don't deserve you. I am the most worst girlfriend ever. I caused you the accident, but i was not by your side when you woke up. I was not with you when you needed me the most. I ran away from you and i was too scared to face you. I was so guilty about the accident. I.. i scared that i might lose you forever that day and when i knew you survived but you were in coma, that guilt feeling crawled all over me even more. After all, i lose my bestfriend because of my recklessness-"

"Hey, no-" Elijah stopped me.

"No, just listen to me".

Elijah nodded softly and whispered 'okay'

"And i thought, if you were still with me in the future, something even worst could happen to you because of me. Something where i would actually lose you. So, i ran away.. in the hope that you would get over me. And i avoided you because i thought, at one point, you would give up and moved on with your life. But, you didn't. You waited for me patiently. You were worried sick of me when i should be the one taking care of you. Even though, i avoided you, you constantly check up on me. And.. you loved me. I don't know if i deserve you in my life. I just don't..." i started to sob again.

"Hey, hey, look at me" Elijah said softly while holding my cheek. "You, Tash, deserve all the love in the world. You are a great person and i won't be mad at you at all. Yes, you have insecurities when it comes to relationships and emotions, but i won't blame you. Your past made you to be like that. But, Tash, it was never your fault for anything that happened in your life. Things that ought to happen, must happen. Its called fate, Tash and as humans, we cannot run away from our fates. What you can do is let go of your past and live in the moment. Life is short, Tash. Anything can happen at any minute and you don't want to regret of anything when you looked back at life. For me, life is a very beautiful and challenging journey and.. i want you to be in it with me" he said, giving me a reassuring smile. He wiped away my tears and i felt so lucky to have him in my life and i don't want lose him ever again. He is my lucky charm and if i let him go, then i would be the most stupid human in the world.

"I love you, Eli" there, i said it. And i meant it. I could Elijah's shocked expression and he was way too excited. There were a lot of emotions in Elijah right now and i could see all of them through his face.

"Um, what? Sorry, i can't hear you" he said playfully while moving his ear towards me.

I laughed at him and that was the most genuine laugh i had after almost a month of isolating myself and crying in my bed. "I love you, Mr. Elijah" i said and hugging him tightly. It was a very warm hug that i had been missing for so long. I didn't want to let him go.

Elijah pulled away and observed my face for awhile before planting a kiss in my lips. It was not like the usual but it was a very long, passionate kiss. The kiss was enough to made me realize how much he had been missing me.

"I love you so much" he pulled away to say that and continued kissing me back. I chuckled because he was so cute when he did that.

"Now, lets get you back to home. Your mom asked me to remind you to be at home before 7pm and she was so strict about that" Elijah laughed and getting up from the bench.

I almost forgot to do a thing. The main purpose of why i came to the lake at the first place. Elijah gave me so much of confidence that i was so sure to do that thing.

"Um, you go first. I have to do a thing" i said to him. Elijah saw me holding Betty's friendship ring and he understood what i meant by that. He nodded and walked away towards the car where i could see Eleanor and Clint waving vigorously at me. I waved them back, but Eleanor gave me an inappropriate sign. I laughed softly at her.

I faced the lake for the last time and held the ring-chain closely to my chest. I took a deep breath before say "Thank you, Betty. Thank you for being a great friend to me.. and, thank you for all the great memories we had. Those were the most good time of my life and i would always cherish those moments. You had taught me a lot of life lessons which i would never forget. And i promise you that i would never be sad again because you don't like when i am sad. Im truly sorry for keeping you with me this long. I was just.." i sighed, "it was too depressing after i lost you and i couldn't apologize myself for what had happened that day. But today, im letting go of you because you deserved to be in a happy place. I would always love you .. Bye, Betty" i said my goodbye for the last time before i finally threw the chain into the lake. It felt like a ton of burden just dropped from my shoulders and there was a weird feeling in my heart. I felt relieved and sad at the same time. But whatever it was, i was just happy that i finally let go of Betty after so many years living in guilty and fear. Now, i can focused on living my life with Elijah.

I walked towards the car where Elanor and Clint and Elijah were waiting for me at outside of the car. Eleanor had a very fierce face and i knew that she is going to curse me alot. Clint, on the other hand, was so happy to see me that he ran towards me and hugged me that i almost fall backwards.

"Oh my god, Tasha. I missed you a lot" he said.

" I missed you too. And im truly sorry for ignoring you. Both of you" i said as i reach near Eleanor. Eleanor was looking at me with squinted eyes and said something very inappropriate (told you she is going to curse) before she hugged me. She was happy to see me as well. At least, after she said the cursed words to me.

I laughed before moving to Elijah who was watching the scene calmly. I held his hand and mouthed 'thank you' to him. He squeezed my hand back.

"Hey, you two lovebirds. Wanna get in the car?" Clint said from the driver seat. Elijah and I just realized that Eleanor and Clint was already in the car.

"Um, no thanks. We prefer to walk" Elijah said while looking at me, asking me for my permission. I just smiled at him, knowing that we had a lot of things to catch up.

"Are you serious? It is going to take forever to reach Tasha's home if you walk" Eleanor said while rolling her eyes.

"We know. Just follow us close behind and if we are tired, then we will get in the car" i said while pulling Elijah's hand to walk.

"You guys are unbelievable. No wonder you guys are perfect for each other" Eleanor screamed.

"We are" Elijah and I said at the same time, looking at each other.

And, we walked into the evening, holding each other's hand, feeling assured that no matter what happen, we would always be there for each other. And, we would never stop loving each other.

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