2.Weird and nerd girl

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'Ugh, this place is so dark' I thought, looking around the alley. Im not sure where i am but i wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. I tried to walk out from the alley to see if i could get any help.

The night was so quiet and all i can hear was the noise made by insects. There was no one there when i reached out of the alley. I had no idea where i was, so i started looking for people in the shops. All the shops were opened but there were no signs of humans at anywhere. I started to get panicked until i saw someone standing on the middle of the road. She had a long, black hair and she was wearing a pink dress. She looked up at me and smiled.

"Oh, thank god, its you. What are you doing here and where are we? " i asked while walking towards her. The distance between us seemed like an eternity because i couldn't get to her even when i ran. She kept going far from me. I stopped, noticing something wasn't right.

"What the hell is happening?".

That girl gave me an evil and scary smile and said "It is your fault. It always been your fault".

And at that moment, a car came out of nowhere , rushing towards her at the maximum speed.


I woke up with swollen eyes. My body was shivering and i couldn't breathe. I quickly grabbed into my beg and took out the medicine. My hands were shaking and i couldn't hold the medicine bottle any longer. The bottle slipped away from my hands and the medicines were scattered all over the place. I gasped for air while grabing any one of the medicine that i could find near me and put it into my mouth. It took me some time to swallow it but eventually, my body started to respond to the medicine. I stopped shivering and my breathing was normal again. I sat on my bed, wiping away the tears and sweat.

The same cold and dark nightmare. Its been a few years since i had a good sleep. I took a deep breath and searched for my phone. It was 7am. I had to get my mind off from the dream, so, I scrolled through Instagram before i decided to get bath and be ready for my first day of second year in medschool.


I wore a white top with jeans and put on my sneakers as my first college day outfit of the year. I put my hair on a high ponytail and wore a simple makeup so that i won't look pale because all of the crying in my sleep last night. To be honest, i was devastated on that day. Being at a place that you felt like you didn't belong was truly terrifying. That was what i felt being in a medschool.

Cathy and I walked together to our first class which was Anatomy. The lecture hall was huge and there were about 50 students sitting in there. I saw Eleanor and Clint at the back of the class and i waved happily at them. They were also excited as me and hugged me so tightly when i was near them.

"Tashaaaaaa. We missed you" they said together while I sat beside Eleanor.

"Me too. Look at you guys! You guys are so cute together" i said cheerfully. Both of them were the only human beings in the world that i never ashamed to show my true self. Yet, they never knew about my past.

I saw Cathy catching up with her friends. She was so friendly and she talked in a way that even people who are sad ,can be cheered up by her. But, it was kind of annoying too.

"What is the matter? You are looking at Cathy like she is some of sort of snack" Clint joked and laughed like a maniac.

"What? Noooo. I most certainly not look at her like that. She is my roomate " i sighed.

"Whaaattt" Eleanor and Clint screamed that half of my class looked at us. Both of them never knew the limit and never care about what other people going to think about them and that what make them special.

"Guys, shhh... Yes, she is" i rolled my eyes. They looked at each other for awhile and continued to laugh at me. I scoffed and joined the laugh.

I was shocked when suddenly, Cathy walked towards us and sat beside me. We stopped laughing abruptly. I saw Eleanor and Clint looking down while trying to control their evil laugh.

"Hai Tasha. You know, it feels so good to catch up with our classmates after a long semester break. Hai Eleanor. Hai Clint" she said cheerily. Eleanor and Clint gave the most fake smile to Cathy.

Suddenly, the hall felt dead silence when a man walked into the class.

"Good morning, class. I am Professor Ted and i will be teaching you Anatomy 2" he greeted us.

The rest of the class went fine and before he finished the class, he informed us that we had to choose an extracurricular activity and submit it before noon. Choosing an extracurricar activity is an annual tradition of my college.

"What you are going to choose? I am thinking of cooking.. Or.. designing.. or ..?" Cathy bragged about something that i hadn't pay any attention at all.

"Pst, Tasha. You should take cooking with your bestfriend" Eleanor whispered in my ear and giggled. I slapped her hand, asking her to stop it.

Later that day, every students had to go for their first meeting of their extracurricular activities. I decided to participate in students newspaper this year. I had a little bit passion in writing and investigating. I was walking alone because Eleanor and Clint took The Drama Club just as last year and our meetings were at different places. I kept on walking but i literally didn't know where i was. I know this is my second year and i should probably already knew the places, but my college is so big -might be the most largest in the Earth- and there are still a lot of places in here that i had never been to. I stopped for awhile to examine the college map in my phone again.

'This place is seriously huge" i sighed.

Someone tapped my shoulder and i looked behind to see a boy standing behind me. He was super tall and had a brown curly hair. He smiled, looking down at me. I swear i didn't heard anything that was coming from his mouth for a few minutes after that.  He was so beautiful and my eyes won't stop looking at his hair. His hair was very unique and even prettier than his face.

"Hey, do you hear me?" he asked. I snapped back to reality. I was so ashamed of myself and my cheeks were red. God, i am so stupid to look at him like that. Now, he must be thinking that i am some weird and nerd girl.

I looked away from him. "Um, yeah, yeah... W-what is it?" i stuttered.

"I asked you if you are finding the place for The Student Newspaper meeting because you seem a little bit lost", he said politely.

"Um, yeah. I am", i told him and still not looking directly at him

"Oh, great. I am going  there too. I knew the place, so we can go there together" he told.

It was more like a question than a statement. So to not make it more awkward, i said "Sure" and smiled back at him.

"Okay cool. My name is Elijah, by the way" he introduced himself.

"Hai, my name is Tasha". And we both walked together to the place that he mentioned.

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