6. Chicken Chop Please

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Its been a month since that incident happened. Elijah and i became good friends, we always sat together in class with Elanor and Clint. Four of us spent most of the time together in the library, mostly studying and sometimes talking. No one spoke a word about the past and it was actually a big relief for me.

Cathy was still going to parties and i refused to join her everytime. She and me never get along because she always annoyed me. There was one time where she got so drunk and started to trash our room. It took me a lot of patience to calm the hell her down.

My nightmare still woke me up at the midnight, but it was not getting worse. The nights where i would woke up from my sleep, with sweaty hair and panting for breaths reduced, thanks to my busy schedule that i don't even have time to sleep properly. The syllabus were getting difficult and we were assigned with alot of assingments. Alot. The Student Newspaper Club also assigned us with a new project. The students need to work in pair and prepare an article for the newspaper. The article can be in any genre, but have to involve the college only. Elijah and i teamed up and we were having our first meeting to discuss at the cafe.

I was waiting for him for the past 15 minutes when i saw him outside the cafe. He was with a girl. They talked for awhile and he showed his hands towards me. That girl looked at me and i waved casually back at her with an awkward smile. It was very uncomfortable. They hugged before they went into separate ways. I was getting curious about that girl. I never seen her before. Why he was with her? Is she someone important to him? If she is, why he never tell me about her? They hugged, so she had to be someone important for him right? Wait, am i jealous? What is wrong with me?

"Hai" Elijah greeted while sitting on the chair infront me. I startled back to reality and greeted him back.

"Sorry im late. I bumped into someone on the way here" he told me, placing both of his hands on the table.

"Oh" i cleared my throat and continued, "Is that the girl?" i asked casually, not want him to know that i was actually so curious about her.

"Yes. She is my friend from highschool. Junior actually. She is in first year here" Elijah explained.

"Ohh. Junior huh?" i said, kind of relieved knowing that she was just a junior to him. I don't know why but i was happy to know that.

"umm .. actually ,no. She was my ex" he sat back in chair while sighed.

What ?!. "What" i didn't realized that i screamed in reality, not in my head. Almost everyone in the cafe looked at us.

"Jeez, why are you shouting ? Why are you so shocked by the way?" he laughed.

He was right. Why i was shocked? Why do i care if he met his ex ? Or.. the fact that he hugged her. "Nothing, nothing " i said trying to fight my thoughts.

"I know its weird to still be friend with ur ex. But, Amanda is not like everyone else. She took our break up more easily than me. She moved on really fast" he chuckled. "And, instead of being socially awkward, we decided to be just friends" he continued.

Oh boy. He sounded disappointed. Is he still have feelings for her ? "ohh.. " i said quietly.

Elijah looked at me suspiciously forawhile before he said "Anways, let start discuss".

"Yes, yes" i said, taking out my notebook. "So, what genre do u want to write?"

"Hmmmmmmm" that was the longest 'hmm' i ever heard in my whole life, i swear. He was biting the tip of his pen while thinking. That was digusting thing to do, but i didn't stop him. I like to see his weird habits. Being a friend with him for a month, i knew a lot of his uncanny habits. When he is nervous, he will either scratched his hair or cracked his knucles. When he is sad, he will looked down the whole time and never make eye contact with everyone else or bite his lower lips. When he was too happy, he will randomly approached anyone and said 'hai' or waved at them. And he is a terrible liar. Everytime he lies, he never looked straight into eyes. He will try to look at other things. And i find all of those habits kind of cute.

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