7. Crazy for her

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"Are you kidding me right now?" Eleanor said with a eyebrow raised. She was shocked and surprised with Elijah's idea to go into a haunted building. And she did not approve me to do that.

I nodded to her while putting my things into my locker. She stood beside me, still looking for a proper answer. I closed the locker's door and turned to walk away when Elanor jumped right in front me with both hands open.

"What?" i sighed.

"Tasha, answer me. Are you in your right mind ? How you could agree to do something like that? What if something happens in there and you never come back ? Huh, what if-"

i stopper her right there. "Shooo. Eleanor, you are just overthinking. Nothing will happen to me. Or Elijah. I promise" i said and walked away to our class. Eleanor walked with me but her mouth never shut from asking me a million of questions. I know she was worried of me, thinking something would happen to me. But, i am going with Elijah. He will be there for me no matter what happen. He will.

I smiled to myself and took a seat in our lecture hall. Eleanor sat beside me, still talking. Clint came out of nowhere and jumped from the back to his seat.

"Hey babe, what are you bragging about?" he said ,kissing Eleanor.

"Our friend here decided to get herself into the old science building. Yes, the haunted one" Eleanor complained to Clint.

"Woah, girl. That is awesome" instead of supporting his girlfriend, Clint high-fived me. "Make sure you don't get yourself possessed by a ghost" he said in a sarcastic tone.

Eleanor slapped Clint's arm so hard, that he shrieked like a girl. "Ask her who she is going with?" Eleanor told Clint.

"Who Tasha? And babe, please don't do that anymore. It hurts. Oww" Clint whimpered.

"Its Elijah" i said.

They both looked at me with an intense look. And they looked at each other. And back to me. That went on like forever.

"What now guys?" i asked them lazily.

"You like Elijah, don't you?" they simultaneously asked.

I was shocked at their statement but i didn't want them to know about my feelings. So, i decided to answer them casually. "What? No. Elijah is a good friend" i shrugged my shoulders, rolling my eyes. These two things are the most common thing that i do when im nervous.

Eleanor and Clint clearly knew im nervous when they smirked at me. "Tasha, let me ask you one simple question. Why do you want to go to a haunted place with Elijah?" Eleanor asked me.

"I didn't want to go. I have to go for the sake of a project. If i didn't, then i  will fail. And i don't want to fail on my extracurricular project" i explained to them. That was the only reason. I guess.

"Fine. Will you go to the same place if there is no Elijah? Will you go with either me or Clint ? Will you?" Eleanor looked at me with evil eyes.

Ha, this should be easy. But, when i opened my mouth, no words came. Im stucked. Will I ? I mean as crazy as i am, i would never go to a place that is said to be haunted by myself or even with other people. Its not that i am scared, its just i don't want to be in any danger. What if the building was occupied with some serial killers. But, why i agree with Elijah at the first place? Why i didn't said no to him?

"Its because you trust him, you idiot. You trust Elijah and you knew he would protect you no matter what.  That is why you agreed to go with him. You will never, ever go to that place with either of us because you know if something goes wrong in there, we will ran for our lives first" Eleanor snapped me to reality.

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