20. Masala Chai

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"Now, lets talk about Elijah" Dr. Aldrin said while leaning back into her seat. I took a deep breath and exhaled, thinking how hard it is going to be talking about him. I realized that what i did was a mistake and now im regretting it. I should have confronted  him, instead i ran away. I knew excatly what Dr. Aldrin was going to say next.

"Why did you ran away?" she asked. I knew it.

"I.. i was too afraid to face him. I  was so guilty because the accident that happened to him was because of me. He was just trying to save me. I was so stupid to believe that i saw Betty and i was trying to save her this time because i failed to protect the last time. And.. i was scared Elijah will.. stop liking me because i caused his coma. I scared he would stop caring about me and stop... "

"Loving you?" Dr. Aldrin continued my sentence. I sighed and nodded at her, looking down at my hands.

"Tasha, you told me that he called you every single day since he woke up from his coma. He kept texting you, asking about your health when you are the one who supposed to be checking on him" Dr. Aldrin said.

"I know, i know. I was selfish and im regretting every bit of it now" i said quietly.

"Tasha, i don't think so Elijah will ever stop caring or liking you. There is no reason to afraid that he is going to stop loving you. Because, i could see that boy are really in love with you. And, i don't want you to miss Elijah in your life just because your are not brave enough to confront him. Face him, Tash. Talk to him and tell your feelings for him. I promise that he will not be mad or angry at you. Elijah has been dying to see you from the day he woke up from his coma, Tash. So i can assure you that he will be very pleased to see you"

"Life is beautiful, Tasha. When you really knew how to live it, your life will be an amazing roller coaster. Life has its own up and downs, but we are humans. We are capable to handle it if we have a positive mind. You met people for a reason and each one of them will teach a lesson. Think about it again, Tash. And, as far as i concern, you have great friends in your life. Eleanor, Clint, Elijah- the three of them really cares about you. Just, don't miss them in your life. There is no point in regretting after you did something to them. Instead, you have to try live in the moment and make sure there are no regrets" Dr. Aldrin finished her long speech with a wide smile.

I was stunned. Every single thing she said was right and i realized that i was wrong.

"Thank you, Dr. Aldrin. That was a great speech and i realized that i was living in my own stupid world for a long time. You are right. I don't want to lose my friends just because i was too selfish and coward to face them. I had been living in a lie all this time and i don't want to be that Tasha anymore. Thank you, Dr. Aldrin. Im glad that my mom fixed this appointment. I was really in need of help but i was too afraid to talk about my problems with anyone" i said, wiping away my dry tears. I felt a new energy in me after the long session with Dr. Aldrin that day and i repeatedly thanked her for making me realize my mistakes.

"You are welcome, Tasha. And, your mom did warn me that you might not talk about the thing that was bothering you" she chuckled.

I was sitting on my bed with my phone in front of me. I looked at the phone for what felt like an eternity, fighting in my mind to whether call my friends or not. There was still a little bit of fear in myself when i thought about how my friends are going to react. I inhaled and exhaled deeply several times to collect enough courage to call them.

'You can do this, Tash. There are your friends and they are not going to overeact. Though, it is understandable if they wanted to because you had been ignoring them for several days now. Okay, here i go' i encouraged myself before i took my phone and dialed Eleanor's number first. I was shaking from inside when i was going to press the call button.

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