4. More than that

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Elijah's pov:

"Hey, are you sure you can drive? Its already late. You can stay at my house for tonight if you want. Or.. i can drive you there" i offered. Part of me really wanted to get back home and shut my eyes close. It was a very tiring day and my stupid brother decided to do his stupid party today. But, another part of me was screaming in my head to not let these girls drive alone at this midnight.

"Um, its okay Elijah. I can drive .You don't have to worry about us" Tasha convinced me.

Ohh, thank god. Im going straight to the bed. No. What are you doing ,Elijah? You are not suppose to leave them. What if something bad happen? What if on the way to college, they got lost or worse, killed by a serial killer? Oh, what am i doing? She is looking directly at me right now and i can't think straight.

"You know what. Its okay, i will drive you. I will stay at my room there. I don't feel good of letting you drive alone at this time" i said, finally clearing my thoughts.

"Really ? You know that you have to come here again to clean, right?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes. It's okay. It's not like we are having class tomorrow morning. I will just come and clean up before our evening class" i said, trying to gather all the confidence i have.

"Wait, you are in my class?" she asked bluntly.

What the -? So, she had never ever notice me in the class? all year?! Great, i sighed. I was literally sitting behind her in the class today. I always sat at the corner but this morning, i sat at different seat as a new resolution for my second year. Tasha sat right infront me with Eleanor and Clint .I was looking at her all the time because to be honest, she looked pretty cute when she was being annoyed everytime Cathy told her something. She would just nod or scratched her hair little bit or rolled her eyes.

"Yeah. You didn't ever notice me?" i was trying so hard to not sound disappointed.

"Nope" she said, getting nervous. I saw her twisting her fingers together.
"I am really sorry but i had never seen you before. You always come to class right?" she asked me with a suspicious look.

I chuckled and said "Yes, iam. My attendace is 100% ,my lady.. Actually, i wear hoodie all the time and my hood will be on my head. Maybe, thats why you never notice me before" i said, understanding that the fact i always wear hoodie to classes was probably why Tasha never notice me before. Idiot me.

"Aah, so you are the creepy guy. That makes so much sense right now" she laughed.

"W-what? Creepy?" i was so shocked that my eyes almost came out of my socket.

She waved her hands and i didn't bother to ask any more questions. Because first, she is cute and second, i am so sleepy right now that i don't have energy to argue with her. So, i just laughed and grabbed the car keys from her. She didn't speak any words on our ride. However, she would glance at me once a while and stared at my face. I was getting pretty anxious from her look that i thought i had something on my face. I checked my face on the car mirror casually, but there was nothing. And the next second, she looked away from me. Her eyes were fixed in front all the time until we reached our college. I helped her to put Cathy to bed and she followed me outside.

"Thank you Elijah. If you hadn't been there, i don't know how i would handle Cathy" she said.

"Its not a big deal.. So, see you tomorrow?" i was actually getting nervous at this point and i honestly didn't know the reason. I still wanted to hangout more with her. I wanted to know her more.

"I guess",she said while looking at her hands.

I waited for her to continue to say something but she remained silent. So, i thought it was my que to leave and started to walk when she said "You will be cleaning the house alone, right? Can i come and help you? I feel bad to let you clean that mess all by yourself".

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