9. Come on, grandma

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"Heyyyyy, babeee. I missed you" Catharina hugged me straight away after i entered my room. She hugged me so tight, that i couldn't breath.

"Hai.. Cathy.. Miss u too" i said, struggling to breath.

She let go of me and i exhaled loudly. She grinned at me and walked back to her desk. I put my things on my bed and i realized someone had put my clothes back into my closet. I remembered messing up my place, looking for any shirts that i could reach and get out of the campus as soon as possible two days ago. Im pretty sure Cathy didn't do it because she is way messier than me. She is like thousand times messier.

"Um, hey. Did you clean up my place while i was away?" i asked, even thought i knew the answer. She is not.

"Heck no" told you, "Your friends came looking for you. Eleanor, Clint and Elijah. They asked me about you and i told that i don't know. And then Eleanor put your clothes in your closet and left" she continued.

"Ohhh" so they even came looking for me at my room. Gosh, they must be worried sick. I took my phone to text in our groupchat. I told them to meet me at cafe and there is something that i need to tell them. Yes, i finally decided to tell them about Betty. I never talk about Betty to anyone, but after i talked to mom about my dad, i got some clarification, so why not if i try this with them? I may get help to get rid of my guilty feelings. 'This is going to be really hard, but you gotta try Tasha. Two years of burying your emotions and slowly dying inside had to end today' i thought.

I took Betty's ring from my pocket. I looked at it forawhile, thinking about the good memories we had shared together. I put the ring on a chain that i bought on the way and hanged it around my neck. I sighed and decided to sleep for awhile as i still got 3 hours of time before i meet my friends. I was super tired of the travelling and i slept right away.


"You are late" Betty pouted her mouth like a duck. She looked away from me and i was still holding my knees, panting for breath. I ran all the way here after i realized i was late half an hour.

"Im sorry, dude" i said, still catching for my breath.

"Tasha, we promised to meet here at 6pm. I waited from 5.50pm and you showed up at what, like 6.40pm" she sounded annoyed. But, she is really not. I knew Betty for 4 years now and she never insult me. She tried to be mean, but she was not good at that. She was the most friendliest person i've ever knew and i was lucky to have her as my bestest friend.

"Um, it is actually 6.30pm now" i said, looking at my watch.

I saw Betty's mouth hanging open in shock, "You are unbelievable" she said while putting her hands on the hip.

I smiled and said "Look, Im really sorry, okay. I swear i put alarms, but i really don't hear it".

Betty raised her eyebrows and gave me the 'seriously?' look.

"Okay, fine. The alarms did rang..but, i hit the snooze button. It rang again.. I switched it off. My mother woke me up, reminded me about our outing and yeah, im finally here" i said with a convincing tone.

Betty didn't speak a word, looked plainly at me for a minute and i mouthed 'sorry' at her. She rolled her eyes and finally smiled. "You are crazy Tasha" she said.

"Thank you. I will take that as a compliment" i said, bowing down.

"You are the one who suggested to come to this fair today. I was going to get out this town and meet my grandmother at the farm. You are the only reason why im here today and you are late" she crossed her arms.

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