8. Real mood ruiner

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Tasha's pov :

"So, lets start our session, yeah?" Dr Aldrin said softly.

I nodded, took a deep breath to gather some courage. I looked around her room because Dr Aldrin's room usually gives out positive energy and it calmed me down a little bit. A lavender scent filled the whole room and it felt so amazing when i inhaled. I saw Dr Aldrin still waiting for my answer with a calming smile.

"Yes, dr" i said while changing my position on the sofa to sit more comfortable.

"Great. So, how are you feeling today?" Dr Aldrin asked, looking deeper into my eyes.

I honestly had no idea how i felt today. This morning, i left my friends uninformed about my disappearance and i am still ignoring them till now. They didn't know what actually happened and i left them in a big question. They must be worried sick of me. And Elijah. That guy deserved to know the truth. "Not good" i sighed.

"And why is that?".

I took a deep breath and continued, "It all started when i met this guy. His name is Elijah. And.. he is very kind, very caring and ..very cute. He has a great smile and great hair too" i chuckled and Dr Aldrin nodded. "We became very good friends after one night. Me, Elijah, Eleanor and Clint spent a lot of time together. Everything was going great, until i sort of... have feelings for him. I developed feelings for him without even realizing it until this morning. And.. and, i dont want this feelings. He is making me vulnerable. I was very strong about my feelings until he came into my life. And now.. i can't control it" i explained, looking down at my hands.

"So, you like Elijah, but you are denying it. May i know why?" Dr Aldrin asked. She knew the reason, but she clearly want to heard it from my mouth.

I sighed, "Because of... Betty" i said quietly.

I heard Dr Aldrin sighed and i looked at her. "Tasha, we already talked about this. You cannot put the blame on yourself for Betty's death. You cannot feel guilty for forever. Its not your fault for what happened to Betty. You have to let her go. You cannot hold her anymore. She deserves to be in a better place" Dr Aldrin said very carefully. I knew she doesn't want to hurt me. However, my eyes started to tear up.

"I know. I know. But.. but, no matter how hard i tried, i couldn't. I couldn't do it. The memories we shared together are too strong to let go. Everything reminds me of her. This whole town. We used to go to all of the places at here, trick or treating together, visiting the whole neighbourhood when we were bored. Every corner, every street, i saw her. I saw her and me playing, running around. How could i possibly let go of that" tears rolled down my cheeks. I pulled a ring from my pocket. "And, this ring. Our friendship ring. We promised to be with each other no matter what happen". It was 2 years since she died, but i decided to keep the ring with me. I looked at the ring and all the memories came flooding back to me. I sobbed even harder.

"Hey, Tasha, hey. Look at me . Look at me" Dr Aldrin said, looking straight into my eyes.

"I know its hard. Its hard to let go of someone you loved. Not just Betty, but your father too. But, eventually, you have to do so. Its not good for either you or them. They have to be in a better place and they can't do that with you holding back them. And you. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to love someone. You cannot stay like this forever. You understand me?" Dr Aldrin said with a serious but yet assuring tone.

She is right. I have to do that. I have to let them go. But, how? I nodded, wiping away my tears. Dr Aldrin leaned back on her chair.

"How?" i asked quietly.

Dr Aldrin raised her eyebrows and i continued, "how am i supposed to do that?".

"Well, for starters, you have to talk about it. Tell about it to your friends who you trust. Tell about it to Elijah. I can see that you really like him. And as your therapist, i want the best for you and you always deserve to be happy" she smiled.

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