11. Angel and Devil me

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Elijah's pov (two days ago):

I went back to my home that weekend. It was a long, tiring day after i spent hours looking for Tasha. I called her like a million times and texted her, but she never responded. I was getting worried that something bad might happen to her as she sort of get some kind of attack that i can't explain this morning. She ran away from the lecture hall and never return even after 30 minutes. I seriously thought that she fainted somewhere, so we decided to look for her  all over the place but there was no sight of her. I skipped the class that morning because i lost track of the time.

Finally, i gave up and went back to home to get some rest and peace of mind. What is so important that she ignored my calls and texts? Gosh, having feelings for Tasha is like talking all day to a wall. It never respond back. Upon entering my house, i saw my mom and dad sitting at the couch.

"Hey,kid" my dad greeted while walking towards me. My mom followed behind with a forced smile. Even by their body languange, i could tell that they were waiting for me.

"Hai mom. Hai dad. What you guys doing here? I thought you were out this weekend" i said, with an uncomfortable tone. Because, i was already pretty devastated with what happened this morning, so i wanted to spend the rest of the day all by myself in my room. However, seeing my parents at home, i knew that my plan was not going to happen.

"No, we cancelled. Actually, there is something we need to talk about with you. Are you free now?" my mom said quietly, looking at my dad.

"Yeah, sure" i shrugged my shoulders, walking towards the couch.

"Great" my dad said, sitting back.

I sat facing them and looked at them two. They didn't talk for awhile, just looking back at each other and mouthing something like "you should tell. No, you should tell him".

I was getting impatience and sighed. "What is it?" i said, rolling my eyes.

I thought they were going to say that they need to move to a new city or they need to be at their bussiness meeting for 365 days, but what they said next, literally broke my heart.

"Listen Elijah. This is going to be very hard for you, but um.. we are getting... divorce" my mom said.

I was completely shattered at their statement. I mean, i could've handled if they said what i was thinking they were going to say, but that was a whole new level.

"What?" i asked in a complete shock.

"We are getting a divorce" my dad said.

"I heard you the first time. But, why? You are happily married for like, what, 25 years" i said, still not getting why this day had to be the shittiest day of my life.

"Well, we discovered that our marriage was falling apart as your dad and me never get to spend time together a lot. We argued a lot for about a year now. Our life were not in a same path anymore. And we decided that it will be great for both of us if we just get a divorce" my mom explained.

I scoffed, "Great for both of you? Then, what about me? You guys never think about me at all. All i want was to you guys to love me. You were never there since i was a kid. I mean, dad was always on a bussiness trip and mom.. honestly, i even don't know what you were doing. But, you guys were never there when i needed you. I had to depend on people out there to show me what does it feel like to be loved. You guys just give me money and ask me to buy things that makes me happy. But, you never realize that the days you spent time with me, even a little bit of time, were the happiest days of my life. Now, you are just getting divorce? I can't believe you guys" i didn't realize that i was standing up the whole time i was talking.

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